I believe I have found a new method of interlocking, it is not very effective and i see no reason as to why it would be better than the old method...But maybe some one will find out an advantage of it. (and ya knowing this website i would not be surprised if it has been discovered before) The premise of this i basically geo-merging one object into another stationary object. For example place a one double box on foundry and make it immovable. then place another object on it such as a "sign A" and make that immovable. Using the door method you can effectively merge the sign with with the box. This technique is not limited to only those to objects rather it can be used with any two immovable objects that are made stationary.
this is a good meathod well done for posting it, it would help new comers, but this meathod is used to geo-merg so most ppl would hav used or know how to do it
There is no point for this. There are many maps greatly interlocked on forgehub. Great post though. Lots of big words. lol
this could really help, now i could merge a wall on its side just into a hole in the middle of 4 D boxes to make a smooth path! you are aWSOME
This method kinda does take longer then the old one.But it is easier for making straight interlocks.But if you read my thread on how to make clean interlocks it will explain how to make straight interlocks. Lol I advertised =).
Yeah MLGs got a good guide, as well if your not sure if something has been posted, check forge101 or better yet kayaman's sticky at the top here..hes got everything. Good idea though and thanks for taking the time to post.
Ya i realize it doesn't do much but i just wanted to put it out there. - The only thing it might be of help is if you want to interlock a floating object this bypasses the time you have to time floating it and then accurately interlocking it.