If you'd like to ignore me blathering on, read the second to last Paragraph. If you'd like to know more about my decision on the shotgun-rockets suggestion, the last paragraph is for you. Version 2.0 is out(although it's actually just 1.5) and I haven't found anything necesarily wrong with the spawn placement. The next update will reduce Shotgun ammo though, and I'm still considering changing Territories to include either whole decks or entire ships, because right now it's just a multi-hill KotH. When that happens I'll switch 2.0 from Beta phase to Stable and think about where to go from there. I'm not making any more changes until I get more feedback, just because I don't want to dump a bunch of crap and spend a couple hours undoing bad ideas nobody liked. If you prefer the old version with teleporters, version 1.1 is still available for download in the Original post, or it can be found in Slot 14 of my file share. Slot 15 is BP 1.5(2.0) All considered, the next update(the more official 2.0) may be my last. I don't see how it can evolve without either ruining the map's original play style. Screwing up the fun of Boarding Action recreated would be a disaster, and I'd rather avoid going down that route. I also can't think of anything original enough. After 2.0 is completed I'll begin work on a new map, with a fresh start. Sorry, I like to type a lot, and got carried away. Thanks for the feedback. Any other problem spots i should consider for the next(and final) release would be very appreciated. I take map balance very seriously, and would like to make my map work. That's all. As for the shotgun-rockets thing, I moved the 3rd deck midship teleporter to the OS spot and the OS to the old teleporter's spot. You could still jump down and get the shotgun, and I considered switching them, but then you'd just jump down for the rockets. It also threw off the map a bit, especially since the teleporters would now drop you into a wall instead of a staircase, and getting the angle right so it doesn't drop you out facing either direction would be a nightmare. Assuming I left the changes in, switched the shotty and rockets positions, all it means was that you had reduced chances of getting both. A couple placements on the map are already there based on the idea that you'll make yourself a glaring target. There are snipers and turrets at each base, so if anyone goes on a spree, they'll make themselves a large bullseye, and if they camp the bottom of any base, people should be smart enough to avoid that area if they know it's camped. Thus my conclusion. If someone else STILL has an issue with it, I'll look into again and see if I can find a solution.
i wonder if you can grenade jump back on instead of going through what i'm gonna guess as death teleporters
I tried it. The crates are too high(assuming player speed and gravity are normal) and the only part you can get through is if you mange to jump up where the "elevator" of grav lifts are, it'll throw you onto the 2nd deck. So the death teleporters are right there, making it harder to get up there. If I had more money to use I'd probably add an extra couple walls to each side and place more teleporters. Still, you'll have to walk out in the open to get to the spot, risking being killed easily, and then you have only a limited number of grenades to use. If you don't time it right, you're either out of grenades, dead, killed, or you fall into the teleporter. So highly unlikely.