Gerbil, thanks very, very much for the in-depth review and I plan to act on all of the advice you've given me. I've actually figured out a few things about spawns since I published this (I dunno, the information was there but it recently clicked) so I should be able to sort those out. I found multi-flag playable for 2v2, but haven't tried it 3v3 which is how I expect you played it. I don't mind too much that it has such a striking resemblance to Intersection. Like I said up above, I tried to basically do a small enclosed Intersection. I've played that map once and not in much depth, so to be honest I didn't know what the interior of the buildings was like from memory - it was just the main idea that stuck, but what I wanted to do was have them 3x3 with the middle blocked and access through them going in a spiral around it. I don't think I quite follow what you mean about the doors at the Sniper spawns, maybe you messed your wording up or it's just strange to follow? There are enough changes to be made to warrant a fixed up, spruced up version, so I'll make those changes soon. I'm glad you liked Atrium and thanks again for the detailed review. Also, I laughed when I got the Subway joke, took me a minute...
Yeah, we were playing a 2v2 match, it seemed the best. It didn't work for us, it just didn't. Anyway, I hope this helped you man, I really like this map. The doors that you used as cover on the sniper perch's I think that they would give a superior line of sight to+from the position if they were tilted at a 30' angle instead of a 0' angle(this would make it so that people can not walk up them, but they still work as cover from directly below. One thing I forgot to add, was that I thought you may want to consider adding another door on the opposite side of the first door, if you want, I can show you what I mean. Just, next time, please remember to reply to my review in the thread for Discussion of it, 'T'would be a courtesy.
I like the look of it by the screens, I'll DL and take a flyaround. I'm glad Intersection was able to inspire you to make a great map!
Sorry, gerbil, I didn't realise I was supposed to. Lintendo, thanks, I'm glad the creator of the map that inspired this the most gives his blessing, and I probably owe some credit to you for the original idea.
LynnJynh9315 responds Damn, I missed it. I'd been looking for when you were going to publish this. I guess I overlooked it or something. Well, there's no much to say here: Its another excellent map from Weremidget. Oddly enough though, this map feels way different from his other maps. I can't say as I've played any games on this map. I'd certainly love to though. Well, I can't wait till your next map. Awesome job, Weremidget!
Enjoyment: 8/10 This level is really fun for slayer and king of the hill. It doesn't play well for the 2-point objective games. while playing capture the flag, I, personally, was able to capture three flags without getting killed once. However, team king(doubles) worked really well. I only wish you would have tailored the hill points to fit your map better. Meaning, the center hill could be widened tofill the whole center box area. There were many times in king of the hill that it became "ring around the rocket box." Just widening it to fill that platform would make it perform really well. Balance: 6/10 The rockets were well balanced, however, the maulers (there were two) had a 1.5 minute respawn with one extra clip each and a run time maximum of 7. This lead to a lot of maulers on the map. Had you, maybe removed the extra clip, or set a run time maximum of 2, or maybe changed the respawn time to 2 minutes, I think the mauler would have had much less importance. Another thing was the grenades. There are (according to you) 12 placed on the map, with two starting grenades given to each player (on standard gametypes). I think you could cut the placed grenades on the map in half only giving three of each because there was more grenade lobbing than COD4 on this map. However, the rockets were amazingly-well balanced to where they were a reward, but not so important. Again, the turrets were good, but not overly important, especially on such a small map. The snipers really shined in this level. They were important (which is surprising on such a small map) and it kept people going up to the snipe tower to see if it had respawned constantly, however, with the 2.5 minute respawn, most of the time it hadn't. Durability: 9/10 The only reason I docked a point here is because there were a few times that the spawns seemed iffy, enemies spawning close to eachother, etc, but I mean, you couldn't get out of the map. There weren't (obvious) repeating spawns or spawn patterns and nothing really seemed "broken" or "exploitable" about this map. Aesthetics: 7/10 It looked clean, walked smoothly and the bases looked cleanly forged, however, there aren't the "wow" forging aesthetics that forgehub looks for in maps. I mean, I'm not saying it looks bad, it just doesn't have a wow factor. Oiginality: 8/10 This is an area that combines both aesthetics and gameplay. If it were just originality in gameplay, I'd give it a 9/10, however, the originality in the aesthetic touches were, like I said in aesthetics lacking. It's an amazing map, it plays amazingly well for slayer and KOTH and I can't wait for a v2. Overall: 8/10 A great enclosed map that does make you forget you're in foundry. It plays well, looks good and is a definite keeper on my harddrive.
i downloaded this map and it is soooooooooooo smooth and fun as hell, all the walls and ground are incredbly well done
just saw this in the review hub page, congratz weremidget, 8/10 is pretty good, I think it is well-deserved also...this map looks epic, the turrets seems slightly unbalanced, but meh, who knows, it's actually a rather small area, so it can't be that big a deal, especially when you have the opportunity of GRENADES psssshhh f them turrets up
Thanks so much to Haruki Jitsunin and the Review Hub for another flattering, in-depth review. It's surprising how two detailed reviews can repeat each other a lot in some places, but contradict in others, goes to show how what makes a great map is up to interpretation. The turrets seem to be being noted by those who haven't played the map as unbalanced, while the Maulers are the main issue for those who have. I'm gonna sound pathetic here and try to say that the people I tested this map with really didn't use the Maulers a huge amount. Nonetheless, they will be removed or at least impaired very soon. I will shortly release a new version addressing all of the advice and criticism I've been given in this thread. Thanks very much to everyone. Care to state exactly which Double Boxes? There are 24 :\
wow looks really good, the interlocking is very nice and the layout is perfect it looks very fun and a must dl
Thanks for the comments guys. If someone could leave a comment or quick review on the thread to get it off it's feet that would be fantastic.
LynnJYnh gives a short review First of all, Atrium is a wonderful map. The symmetrical design works perfectly and escaping is a difficult feat (maybe even impossible) even with multiple floors. The map is very balance in terms of weapon spawns and objective placement, and all the different back hallways make for several different routes to any area. There's hardly anywhere on the entire map where there isn't at least two paths out, meaning getting cornered is a rare occurrence. Furthermore, have you even looked at the map? Its beautiful. Werem1dget spent hours lining everything up some that it all looks very neat and proper. Not that any of that surprises, because Werem1dget is an excellent and accomplished map-maker who has proven his abilities time and time again. In short, this is a top-notch map that surpasses others with its aesthetic quality and superior game-play. I give Atrium a 9/10 only because some of Werem1dget's other maps have impressed me even more than this one- but that's only a testament to his abilities. Now all he has to do is out-due this one. Any new map ideas, Werem1dget?