Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Pwner Trainie, Jun 8, 2008.


Do you like the old version or the new better

  1. The new version is better

    10 vote(s)
  2. The old version is better

    1 vote(s)
  3. what's the difference?

    8 vote(s)
  1. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    Map Title: NERV HQ v2(Refurbished)
    Welcome to the world of Neon Genesis with NERV HQ, complete with some famous places--Created by Pwner Trainie

    Download Map NERV HQ v2

    Download Game Type EndOfEvangelion

    After finally testing it, I once again welcome you to the world of the Anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion, with the refurbished version of my first map NERV HQ. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the original, do not fret this the original is inferior to this version. At first one may notice that there appears to be little change but upon further examination one will notice that the wall have been created smoother and for those who kept getting sniped in the cage or at the entrance from the guy on Mr.Ikari's seat (The tallest part of central dogma), I fixed that by making the wall taller. Now there is also a sniper rifle in the map but it is hidden. :) The map has also been balanced out a little for the slayer variant of the map, and for those who enjoy some objective gameplay I have added a territories version of the map called EndOfEvangelion based on the movie End of Evangelion. The attackers take the position of the JSSDF (Japanese Strategic Self Defense Force) They must capture all of the objectives and take the control of NERV HQ while the defenders (NERV combat personal) must keep it under their control. All the weapons are similar to those used by the JSSDF and NERV during the movie just like in the original version. Well enough of my banter for now let's get on to the images.

    Let's start with how I did last time with the entrance. For the sake of comparing I will put a picture of the original version and the new version (with areas with a difference)I'll tell you which one is which but for most of them you can tell by the fact the original one has a spartan in most pictures but in the new it is an elite model, modeled after the mass production EVA's (I know I'm obsessed.) Now without further ado the images.


    The entrance doesn't have any difference form the original. Now for the next room the less featured Confrence room it is a very good looking room complete with about four rows, a seat for the guy in charge, and a screen. Again I don't think I changed anything aesthetically for this room so I'll just use one image.


    Again not much difference if any, I did remove the shotty from that room though to balance the map for play. Now we shall go to where we start seeing some recognizable change in the map, the Cage. The cage is the storage facility in which the EVA's are kept in between battles. The inside is cut off due to the fact that in the show the inside would be a several hundred foot drop or it would be filled with LCL. In this I made the cage smoother and straight and the walls around it have also been smoothed out.


    Above is the old version, it looks like a piece of junk doesn't it? Well at first it was only intended to be put there just so there was something there but I decided to fix it up. The new version is below.


    Looks better doesn't it? Now for the next part of the map. The infamous Unit00 test facility. It has one room for the scientists and another cut off room for Eva Unit00. (Again because there would either be a pool of LCL or a several story drop their.) I didn't take any pictures of the EVA area since it wouldn't be an interesting or useful shot at all. I didn't change anything in that room at all... so I'll just put one image there if that is alright.


    Now for the grand finally, the greatest and most important part of the map Central Dogma or NERV central. It has a five floored area they are ground floor, second floor lower MAGI super computer and the side entrances, third floor upper MAGI systems, fourth floor central control for MAGI systems, and the fifth floor is Mr. Ikari's little seat area. First I'll start with the images of the main structure.


    This is the original version now for the new. You can notice that the walls are taller and the platforms have been straightened out.


    Now for another view, this time from the head honcho's seat. The first one is the old.


    Now the one below is the new, you can notice once again that the walls are all taller and are now straighter than before.


    And that's all I got for images. Now in the territories of the map the capture points are or by everything I have shown you. Still wish they supplied you with more stuff but oh well. Now here are some notes on the map. If there is something you would want to add to the map I hid all of the stuff in a box above the entrance, unfortunately though it is all stuff that would be something that either team would you so no plasma rifles or whatnot. There is also an Easter egg hidden in the map but requires you to do some dissecting and it only makes sense if you've seen the show. Now don't forget to rate and comment with some ideas to better the map. I will continue to release Evangelion based maps to the best of my ability. Here is the link to the original version of the map: Nerv Hq - ForgeHub Halo Forums

    All characters and names belong to Gainax (I think) and Hideaki Anno, none of these are my original ideas.

    P.S. Sorry about the varying picture sizes I had some technical difficulty.
    #1 Pwner Trainie, Jun 8, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2008
    M.Jelleh likes this.
  2. haseoice

    haseoice Ancient
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    well put together, just some of the walls need to be aligned properly. great map, going to dl off your file share.
    Pwner Trainie likes this.
  3. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    looks pretty good. i'll dl and see what i think. the only part i dont get is what is on the left side of the map if you are looking from the last screenshot
    Pwner Trainie likes this.
  4. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    thank you for your comments. on the left side is the entrance area, where the first pic is
  5. looks great ill dl
  6. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    this looks awsome. sloppy in some parts but its still good especially the 6th and 7th pics
    Pwner Trainie likes this.
  7. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    Please tell me where it looks sloppy so that I can better the map
  8. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    looks like this map could play well too
    Pwner Trainie likes this.
  9. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    Thanks, that is what I was hopping to convey here, an aesthetic map with playability.
  10. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    please read the post before you reply
  11. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
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    nice interlocking 5/5
    Pwner Trainie likes this.
  12. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    wow, i saw your sig and i really likes the picture,
    seems like a good map, idk why it died so quickly
    Pwner Trainie likes this.
  13. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    6/10 good, but nothing very special. I realieze its an aesthetic map but seriously theres really. well no point sorry man
  14. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    wow what a differance the new version is so much better, well done looks neat and very detailed
    Pwner Trainie likes this.
  15. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    It probably died out because I was to much of an idiot to put the simple "v2" at the end of the forum title. Stupid me -_-
  16. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
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    the map looks cool and has great merging. really open in the middle but other than that, 4/5
    Pwner Trainie likes this.
  17. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    Ha I Fixed It!
  18. SwitzaHouse

    SwitzaHouse Ancient
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    that's awsome, love the MAGI room design.
    Pwner Trainie likes this.
  19. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    wow this is a well cool map it is totally different to most maps i have seen in Aethetic maps well done
  20. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks really nice... I think the platforms are really cool, sort of like the platforms on avalanche

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