I have never seen the original chill out but this maps looks great i think forging might be ok on this one.
Chill Out might have taken first for my all-time favorite Halo map, next to BG and Sidewinder. This looks like a great re-make, I don't see anything that would make it worse than the original. That'll be awesome if bungie does make it free, I really hope they do. Alas, there doesn't seem to be any room for forge there...
wow bungie is really crushing mai balls here when they were going to show us more about the map on the same week they showed it and said they will show it next week, then we get 2 pics and then they said more sometime next week which i guess is another friday
UPDTED and bumped since i added a video! EDIT: thanx for the bad rep who ever -repped me for bumping this for an update.. its rather rude if you ask me.. and itsnot a bad post its nice for some people.. your opinion should not cause my rep to decrease b/c in my opinion thats a littlejerkish.
I am so glad I kept this thread in my subscriptions as I saw the word Video and couldn't click on it fast enough. This looks really awesome, the aesthetics are really nice and fill and nice little gap in the current maps. My one small disappointment comes from seeing only 1 BR on the map, this irritates me enough on maps like guardian. But I do appreciate that the guys at bungie know best, and there are always BR starts instead. I'm really looking forward to playing this and, whilst I really really really hope it is free, don't mind paying for it. I bought the legendary and think it was totally worth it.
Dude, there is no shotgun on this map. LOL. EDIT: Oh crap, they edited the pic on Bungie. There is a shotgun, you were right.
We have a few other goodies planned but you'll have to wait until next week to hear more about that. And who knows, the importance of 7/7 may even be enough to get Luke to produce another installment of the Bungie Podcast. Still a chance, I think there will be something cool and surprising.