Ok well guys this is my first public map. I would love feedback of any kind. If you can tell me your likes and dislikes of the map so that i can use that in the future Get the Map: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Both spawns are the same The teleporter you choose will affect the outcome of your team
could need more pictures, i don't really get the concept. besides that, your thread name should only contain the map name. to change this, go to "Edit" and then "Go Advanced" then change the name to Arena 001. the name is kind of default, so i suggest you change it to something original. Also, take a look at Forging 101 at forums to learn interlocking, geomelding, effective spawn placements, floating objects and much more. Thank you for joining the forgehub community, and overall a good first post, since you managed to embed pictures. Hope to see more of you here on forgehub.com.
I can honestly say that after reading your map post, I still have no idea what the heck it is. Put in more pictures and a FAR better description.