Castle entrance Inside Castle The Cannon download here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing object is two teams spawn in the front first team to kill the others team takes the castle first after that the other team must try and take the castle and the team with the castle must remember one person must stay on ground level to get the points weapons inside castle consist of heavy artillery and equpiment weapons in village area consist of shotguns grenades and one rocketlauncher which should be perserved till needed any ammount of players work 4 on 4, 5 on 5, 6 on 6 as long as its even
please put action shots and/or overview etc shots then you will probably get my download thanks liamjedimaster
the castle poses as the hill and the team who can either take it or defend and recive the most time holding it wins
please do not dubble post which is what you did two posts up. but other wise this map looks nice and if you need any help just pm me or contact me over xbl my gamertag is bluepenguin23
sounds cool u should flip the bridge at the entrance though. Also wouldnt there be a bunch of spawn killing because the attackers spawn out in the open? And castle maps seem better on avalanche. id give it a 3.5/5
Glad you fixed the post. The map looks good but the wraith is not nessesary. The post is still lacking pics too.