nah, if you're gonna st4eal something of mine, make it a famous (ish) one so that you look stupid... lol jk.
How many episodes are there atm? cos this idea was SUHWEET , im glad you guys are doing something about this because Bungie are too lazy to do anything about this.
yeah... something like that... and you could recatch him with double accounts, and me and sarge are happy to help, if that means anything... i have a double account to use (on live) and i think this is like the 5th episode or so...
if you ever want or need me ill be sure to join andact like im amazed and stuff so they go on for a bit.. id love to be in an episode with you guys.
i gotta be in on catching bushido elite agian, that kids a ***, and congrats smelly the series is really getting noticed.
I really hope this gets big enough to become well known,the map thief black list will actually become effective. At the end you should put a quick pic of the theives done so far so people who only caught say this episode will also know about that dandy guy and bushido. And if im ever on when you do this feel free to sling me an inv,you know my GT
New map theif: g0alieman he's stolen tons of maps. check his file share. in his screen shot he stole dom says oi's map breakneck : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Screenshots : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share do work boys.
This series is just getting boring. You guys shouldn't make a video for every map stealer you catch, because this one the guy admitted it, and in castorcanadandy it was mostly just him or nathon green babbling. The endings are getting less funny, it was hilarious how bushido elite just left when you guys caught him, but now the map stealers don't really care that much when you catch them.
They need someone like Titmar or Sarge to rape them with flames...That'd get them cowering from stealing maps...
I choose to make them develop their lie, to think on their feet...then i flame my own fashion
So there you have it. Sarge should be in the next "To Catch a Map Thief." As he would destroy the thieves in there ignorant ways.
I already offered my services... but it is there choice if they want to have me or not...whatever is fine...good series nonetheless