T.T.F.B. skull (Time To Fight Back) No more B.S. Chief... Silver Sierra 117, as soon as you wake up its lying in the grass behind you. Any ally at any time (Oracle, Sentinels, Flood, etc.) will not need to take any casualities to attack you, so no more random frags. ROFL
Freeman The one free man. Gold On top of the final pelican in Sierra 117. Replaces every weapon Master Chief picks up with a crowbar that works as a sword (lunge, instant kill) x2 Multiplyer Grand Theft Auto Niko, my cousin! Gold In the flames in the elevator where you start. When you try to enter a vehicle position that a friendly is occupying, you hijack them like you would an enemy, forcing you to kill them to get them out of their spot. Grants a x5 multiplier to splatter kills.
Name: Demoralized Description: Nice shooting there, where'd you learn? Color: Gold Location: In the second scarab, either one, just the last one you need to destroy, on Covenant. Effect: All shots missing a target will slightly lower your damage (depending on the weapon, obviously shots missed from an Assault Rifle would yield less damage lost when missing than a sniper). Difficulty: Hard you now have to be careful about where you shoot and short quick bursts will prove very effective. Name: Infected Description: You can't see all diseases... Color: Silver Location: Floodgate, by where the Elites join you. Effect: 50% of enemies will contain Floodlike characteristics, and can still fire weapons. The downside is that they look exactly the same as they would without the flood characteristics. Difficulty: Moderate, it will get annoying, but eventually you'll be able to tell the 'infected' from the regular.
Confetti Skull Celebratacular! Skull color: Silver Skull location: wherever Skull effect: AR loses reticule and shoots confetti (still does damage) Skull difficulty: 1.5x similar to the grunt birthday party skull only you shoot the confetti
Skull name:Casper Skull description: Once sworn ememies,are now your greatest allies! Skull color: Foggy blue Skull location: In a fog bank Skull effect:It makes dead enemies come back as living dead to fight with you as an friendly Skull difficulty Legendary
Skull name: Hyperactive Skull description: Someone tell me to never let that kid drink coffee again Skull color: Silver Skull location: Ontop of the first tower on the Covenant Skull effect: Makes you run faster and jump heigher, but your screen shakes and it's hard to aim right Skull difficulty: x2
Skull name: Stereo Skull description: So you got a new stereo? Skull color: Silver Skull location: Just to mix it up a bit, on Foundry. Glitch out of the windows and its on one of the ledges. Skull effect: Lets you create a custom playlist(s) accessible from the pause menu using what's saved on your Xbox 360 and play it in Campaign etc. Skull difficulty: None ---------------------------------- More to come later!
Name: Good Luck John Description: Someones getting lucky... Color: Silver Location: Sierra 117, after starting the game Effect: Makes your marine AI dumb as f***, oh wait... Difficulty: All, although it really kicks in on Legendary
Grunt Jamboree It’s a fiesta! Silver Located in The Ark, after you receive heavy armor from the Forward Unto Dawn, you’ll come across a phantom dropping off an elevated platform. Destroy the phantom; the skull will fall out of it’s cargo hold. You’ll have to pry around for where it lands. For every grunt you encounter, there are now three. Hard Exorcist Skull I see dead people… Gold Located in Floodgate. When you encounter the first Stalker Flood form, the skull is on top of the container it usually jumps for. Flood can now turn Grunt/Jackal corpses into carrier forms during game play. Can reanimate the Chief’s corpse, or the Arbiter’s corpse in co-op. Medium Lonely Skull One is the loneliest number. Silver Located in Halo, where you battle 343 Guilty Spark. On the opposite side of the large ring-like platform with the Halo hologram encircling it, way in the back. No more allies. Just you against the world. Medium Hard
Skull name: Mute Skull description: What did you say...? Skull color: silver ( Though there is a X over the mouth ) Skull location: On Halo Skull effect: All ingame audio is muted Skull difficulty: Easy-1.5 Skull name: Countdown Skull description: Cut the red wire... Skull color: gold Skull location: On Halo on the last section of falling platforms there is a path that goes upward before going to the Dawn, its at the end of that. Skull effect: Levels now have a time limit. 20-30m for most levels, 1h-1h30m for longer levels. Skull difficulty: medium- making it 2x as hard; hard- making it 3x as hard; Skull name: Play Dead Skull description: Old dogs, new Tricks Skull color: gold Skull location: On Crow's Nest on top of the overhead pipes. Skull effect: Dead foes have a .25 chance of rising again. Higher chance for Grunts and Flood. Skull difficulty: medium- making it 2x as hard
Skull name: Toaster Skull description: Not bullets, but FIRE! Skull color: Silver Skull location: Behind Cortana on the level "Cortana" Skull effect: Whenever you shoot, you don't shoot bullets, but instead you shoot FIRE!!! But incinerations are 5x harder to do because the enemies have Fire resistant abilities. Skull difficulty: probably medium because who doesn't like FIRE??!!??!!??!!
Skull name: The Burninator Skull description: Trogdor! Skull color:silver Skull location:crow's nest inside the phantom in the hanger bay. Skull effect: Flame granades burninate 5 people at once Skull difficulty: easy
name: stickfest color:silver location:in the water where the pelican gets shot down on sierra 117 drifting down river will eventuely fall down the waterfall effect:start with PP every mission cant pick up weapons regenerating plasmas and spikes
Skull Name: Serenity Skull Description: Finally, peace of mind! Skull color: Silver Skull Location: Under the complex at the end of The Covenant Skull Description: Cortana and the Gravemind shut the **** up! Finally!! (just in time for the Cortana mission too) Skull Difficulty: Well, makes the game more playable...
Skull Name: DevelopersareJerks Skull Description: Get Laid Color: Silver Effect: Forces you to fight with no shields, Elites deal 150% damage and you have to fight with only grenades. Location: BEGINNING OF EVERY LEVEL. Difficulty: EVERY DIFFICULTY YARRGGHH
Skull Name: OMGWTFBBQ Skull Description: Mmmmmm, BBQ. Color: Silver Effect: Makes Enemies always on Fire! Recon Style. After 10 Seconds they die. Location: Arival (In Movie Clip, Press Button At Certain Part) Difficulty: Legendary
Skull Name: Altaïr Skull Description: They won't even see you coming Skull color: Silver Skull Location: On top of the first tower in the Covenant Skull Description: Persistant camo, movement speed 300%, gravity reduced to 25%, equipped with a sword and infinite ammo, can't pick up other weapons. Also, enemies are less alert. Skull Difficulty: Probably easier, depending on how good you are at assassinations
Skull name: autopsy Skull description: Hope you brought your knife... Skull color: Silver Skull location: Inside the Arbiter!!! Skull effect: Every time the Arbiter dies he goes down in a massive explosion Skull difficulty: Very Hard
Well i don't want to do name description and stuff but a good skull would be a jet pack one .. You have like a huge jump and you fly for 3 seconds then fall back down .. It helps you to complete game on mythic =]