MLG Backlash v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Sebblifred, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Sebblifred

    Sebblifred Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The new redone MLG Backlash map...
    Finally released... :)
    Well, for those of you who downloaded my old map, this is the new update, with screenshots !!
    The map's layout is symmetrical, with two bases and a similar feel to MLG Onslaught..
    This map has been designed for the MLG playlist, so the power weapon respawns are longer than in a normal game.
    Recommended gametypes:
    Team Slayer
    Multi Flag
    Weapons and their respawn times in the map:
    2 x Shallow Clip(Only 4 spare bullets) Sniper Rifle: 90 seconds respawn
    1 x Rocket Launcher: 90 seconds respawn
    1 x Plasma Pistol: 30 seconds respawn
    4 x Carbine: 30 seconds respawn
    4 x Battle Rifle: 30 seconds respawn
    4 x Plasma Grenades: 10 seconds respawn

    Map Overview
    Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer

    Sniper Spawn
    Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer

    Blue Base
    Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer

    Red Base
    Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer

    Download link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    Please d/l and review please!
    #1 Sebblifred, Jun 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2008
  2. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Welcome to Forgehub.

    Unfortunately your post doesn't mee the requirements of our Forum.

    Please click here to find out the correct posting method.

    Also, you can only name your thread as the name of your map. To fix this, Click 'Edit' (the little blue button, under your Sig, at the bottom of your post). Then click on 'Go Advanced'. When the editor comes up, rename this to 'MLG Backlash V2' and nothing more. You can also read the link i just mentioned, and update your thread accordingly at the same time.
  3. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lolololol I am sorry but this looks horrible from the linked pics please go learn everything in forging 101 come back and make a good map than you will have my dl. overall * for trying.

    also as stated before please EMBED your pics next time they need to be or after 24 hours your post is deleted

    EDIT: fine for a first post 3 stars still won't get into the mlg playlist....ever!
    also work on those respawn times
    #3 Sheogorath, Jun 27, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2008
  4. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    This isn't horrible for a first post but I have to say that it won't become an mlg map. Maybe place this in a lazy mapmakers section since you clearly don't know how to do interlocking. Visit forging 101 for ideas and help. If you have problems just ask around the community and learn from other maps. Also it would be helpful to provide a weapons placement overview.

    good work and welcome to ForgeHub
  5. Sebblifred

    Sebblifred Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the constructive feedback, Java9script9...
  6. Sebblifred

    Sebblifred Ancient
    Senior Member

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    TexturedSun, sorry... I wasnt aware of the regulations...
    I'll change it accordingly...
    However, for some reason the embedding doesnt work...
    Probably coz im doin it wrong...
    Dizfunky likes this.
  7. IEklypseI

    IEklypseI Ancient
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    Please edit your posts instead of double-posting. It means less clutter on the boards.
    Embed your pictures as well. As for the map, it's a decent attempt, but there is more to an MLG map than just longer respawns on the power weapons. There's four main buildings, but not much going on in the open area around them on the ground. The open boxes leading into the center structure could be shortened to open single boxes and some cover placed around it to make it seem better-constructed.
  8. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Follow this link:

    How to Embed Your Images Correctly
  9. sgt n00b34

    sgt n00b34 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey, everyone has that happen to them. its just a part of posting. but send me a pm when you fix it.
  10. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    omg does anybody ever read the how to post your map file at the top of the page?
  11. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    The posting problem is becoming really pitiful. Isn't there some way to ensure that people know how to properly post maps? Really, is it that hard to take a few extra minutes and embed pictures.
  12. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    lacks good forging techneques but besides that it seems as a goodidea and like you tool sometime for this good job..make sure you check out forging 101 its very helpful.. welcome to forgehub btw. :-D
  13. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    dont flame!

    Hi and welcome to Forgehub!
    Please embed your pics, from the links, it looks like it could use some work-
    but very good compared to other first posts, at least you linked pics, but please embed them
  14. gamergimp

    gamergimp Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Javascript may have been a little harsh but he's right, this isn't likely to be picked up by the MLG community. Here are some questions and some points you might like to consider:

    - You say it has a similar feel to Onslaught. We already have Onslaught so why would we need another? What makes this map different to Onslaught (and Amplified and, in fact, the Forged variants that MLG uses) that it should be used?

    - You call the bases Red base and Blue base, but are they marked in any way? Look at Onslaught and Amplified... notice how they use unreachable powerups and signs to label areas? I can't see any distinguishing features that you need on a symmetrical map that would enable call-outs. Consider these callouts (names will vary from team to team):
    Onslaught - Red Base (marked with OS), Blue base (marked with Camo), A/Yellow (marked with signs) and B (marked with signs). You also have top Red, top A, etc.
    Amplified - Red Base, Blue Base, Yellow (marked with Custom powerup) and Purple (marked with cleverly merged powerups). You also have top Red, bottom Purple, etc.

    - Sniper spawn. There's no cover making anyone foolish enough to go for it an instant target for team-shotting. Compare to top-A/top-B on Onslaught. Also, the openness of this make means that in the event that someone actually does manage to gain control of the Snipes then they will instantly dominate the rest of the map. This is also too open of a map to include three power weapons (yes, the plasma pistol is a power weapon). Even Onslaught only has one Mauler.

    - Bottom-middle. Compare these boxes to the ones on Onslaught and Amplified. Those boxes have been merged with the floor to get rid of the bump you experience when entering an open box. There is also a clever use of narrow objects (walls and barricades) to create cover, multiple routes and interesting grenade angles.

    - Bases need more routes and more features. The fence boxes seem superfluous and out of character with the rest of the design and serve only as traps for grenades as they don't offer any significant cover and are quite unsightly when simply laid on end in such a prominent position. A 'basement' in the base has been done in both MLG Foundry maps, but consider what you can do to make the bases more distinctive.

    - Also, the bridges from top middle to the base are so exposed and the only way to get into the base this way is to go directly from one base to the other. Extra ways of reaching the middle would at least make this a more useful route.

    - Check the default spawning times of weapons in MLG gametypes; 90 seconds for power weapons is way too short.

    - There's a reason both Onslaught and Amplified feature dumpsters in each corner; they provide valuable cover (but not too much) when on the respawn and also allow quick jumps onto the ramps to the towers, potentially surprising opponents.

    Other than that, the general shape and layout of the map is actually good and shows promise. With some more work on the points above and a lot of interlocking and, most importantly, playtesting with MLG players this map could be much, much better.

    Good luck :)
  15. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    wow calm down there dont have to be like that not cool at all....
  16. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    gamergimp took all of the words out of my mouth. but one thing that i didnt see in his post and that was about the respawn times on the weapons, they are a bit too quick. in later version consider having the rocket and sniper with longer respawn times. why? because if the power weapons spawn so close together it can lead to spamming. the team that misses out on the power weapon can have some time to re-group and maybe capture the next.

    the layout is similar to onslaughts side A and side B. but the rest of it looks unique and could be fun for some MLG customs. I will download and report back on the gameplay.

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