Zombie FLOOD It came, it infected, we contained it, it broke loose. WE FIGHT! An infection varient in foundry. The humans (or elites) have two and a half minutes to prepare for the fight with the zombies. 3 rounds, 7even minutes each, limited ammo, supports 6-16 players. A stationary gauss hog to prevent agenst a "FLOOD" of zombiesDownload Map Download Gametype
This map looks very open and plain. Nothing extraordinary here. Also, this one looks extremely escapable as well. You didn't really describe your map very well either. I see you interlocked a little, but some more would be nice.
This looks like it might be fun, but way to hard for the Zombies. I think you might want to add some more cover and holes for the Zombies to take cover in.
This map is really basic in construction. Usually, the simplest plan is the best one, but not here. You can't seem to help but feel that there's something lacking about the map. It's mainly just boxes and walls thrown into an otherwise empty room. The stationary 'hog and corner tower are the main points. Also, 2:30 seems a bit excessive for preparation time. You also didn't describe the map besides using captions and a handful of screenshots. A little more would have been nice.
Wait! The the humans have to wait 2 and a half minutes for util the zombies come out. That seems pretty boring to me. I think 30 seconds is enough time to prepare. If you can't prepare fast enough too bad for the humans.
Yes this map seems dull to ma and has too many problems. It's escapable, boring to humans, and the stationary guass hog can be take out onto the map where it will be too powerful. I suggest that you make the back walls higher, reduce the wait time and make a better description. Also be sure to check out other infection maps to get ideas and forging 101
rubbish, get cover, better wall at the back, make a cirkel for the gas-hog to take em when there on the sides and see forging 101 and use it. And then I will find this map awesome.
This looks like something you could do in about 30 minutes. It is very open and the objects that are there just seem to be placed randomly. The Gauss Warthog would just tear through the infected, and only a simple grenade jump would be sufficient to escape the map.
I'm sorry to say this but this map looks like absolutely no thought was out into it. Seriously, just an assortment of objects thrown around the map with a warthog behind a barrier. sorry just not my kind of map..
Decrease the time to about 30 seconds. Then, to make it interesting, put a switch into it. Make a switch spawn later in the game, and the zombies can activate an Armaggedon switch, bombing the area with some Fusion coils. Then make a multi-level construct for the humans to hide away in. Not much else advice I can offer.
Just add more cover, get rid of the Guass Warthog, make a building and interlock some of the objects. Then and only then will this map not fail.