Halation Created by CPV18 and Booya75 Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer Slayer Map Description: Halation is a semi-symmetrical map, meaning that both sides have the same basic setup, only tweaked a little bit to make it different for both sides. The weapons on this map are balanced and the Sniper perches are very effective for good snipers. The map is unbreakable. Forging 101: Geo-Merging Immovable Objects Interlocking Floating Objects Weapons: 2 x Sniper Rifle - 60 Second Spawn 2 x Needler – 30 Second Spawn 11 x Battle Rifle – 30 Second Spawn 1 x Shotgun – 60 Second Spawn 1 x Spiker – 30 Second Spawn 2 x SMG – 30 Second Spawn 2 x Plasma Rifle – 30 Second Spawn 1 x Mauler - 60 Second Spawn 2 x Assault Rifle – 30 Second Spawn 1 x Brute Shot – 45 Second Spawn Equipment and Grenades: 4 x Plasma Grenade – 30 Second Spawn 3 x Spike Grenade – 30 Second Spawn 2 x Bubble Shield – 90 Second Spawn 1 x Over-shield – 90 Second Spawn 1 x Invisibility – 120 Second Spawn Halation SlideShow **Sorry to those of you who are not link clickers. Making a slideshow is much more effective and time saving. Please take a look at the slideshow before commenting. Disclaimer: This map took a total of about 10 hours to make. All of which was consumed in one day. What a waste of time, I know. But this is the result of all my hardwork. Please be nice or be prepared to receive -REP. Thanks. _____________ Thanks to MasterSnuggle for break-proofing it. Download Halation
Judging by that one picture it looks very awesome! But there are little places that need little cover if you know what i mean good job though looks well made! 5/5
even tho i hate clicking links i checked out your slideshow, and the map looks great! You should probably post a couple more pictures here though, just to show readers what they are getting into.
looks good, like the slideshow idea but it could have had better tranitions (but that doesn't matter) 9/10
This is a good map, why not take the time and embed a few more pictures, so people have an idea of what the map is like before they go off clicking on links
I like the layout, good use of interlocking. Might I suggest a longer respawn time for the 2 snipers and shotgun. 60 seconds seems awfully short.
Thanks for your input. The reason there is not much more cover is because I thought I had the money glitch, but then I realized I didn't a long way through my map. So I had to conserve money for the weapons. I still ran really low.
the interlocking in this looks very nice, but more pics would be nice, the tower looks cool Capture Out!
The other pics are in the slideshow.. Wow. Thanks. I really like your forging so it means alot coming from you. Thanks/
i love art, design interesting ways of using forge etc. but maybe the map is just a little too artistic, to have effective in gameplay. i dont know maybe im crazy or something. you have the art down, but buildings, cover for some of those taller structures, an obvious sniper spawn. i wouldnt know where to go. remember you can find art in simplicity too, take TD Hardings arch in renegade, very artistic and works, simple. but over all i can tell you put much time and effort into this map so i give it a 8/10. good job!
Thanks, I acctually didn't think this was artistic at all while making it. I don't design any of my maps. I just go into forge and let the magic flow. I really like that you think it is artistic and from now on I will try to make it more gameplay oriented. I have never seen this 'arch you speak of but I will check it out. Also many of my creations are ideas from many community maps. So I want to thank you guys, the ForgeHub members, for giving me inspiration.
looks really good, some good ideas ther and looks like its paid off, looks fun and nicely made well done