This is my first 1V1 map it can also support 2V2. Gametypes: Slayer Forging methods: Fusing,Save and Quit, and floating objects. Weapons: 4 Battle Rifles (Default), 4 Carbines (Default), 1 Sniper (0 spare clips, 120 sec), 1 Mauler(0 spare clips, 120 sec), 4 Frags (20 sec), 6 Plasma (20 sec). Map descriptions: A two level map. The top level has a river with plasma grenades in it, a sniper floating above it, and two frags at in front of the lifts and in each corner there are holes to fall down to the bottom. On the bottom there are three doors on each side for cover and an upside down mauler in the middle with two plasma grenades on each side Link to : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing PICS Top River Top of lifts Bottom of lifts Bottom
Doesnt look bad. Your interlocking is neat and the weapons are pretty balanced. Although the bottomof the maplooks like it wasnt totally thoughtout completely. It seems rather bare and doesnt look like a good place to use the mauler.
the screenshots give the peception of the open space when there really isn't, maybe an overveiw shot will fix this misconception
Wow very interesting nice interlocking looks a whole ton of fun also nice use of doors and man cannons. 5/5 GREAT JOB! Fantabulous
lol r u kiding??? its hard to tell. really good interlocking and stuff but niot enough coverage which could become an issue.3.5/5 due to limited playability. the 5/5 guymust be joking and he should get a warning for suggesting that map deserves that high of a rating.
It's pretty good for 1v1 or 2v2, and yes the bottom seems a little bare. Seriously, though, there are people who want to really remake Battle Creek, so keep in mind what you name your maps after, because it doesn't remind me of Battle Creek. 4/5
ok the size of the river is 1 single box wide. the whole thing is 4 single boxes wide and about 5 double boxes long
well i am going to be making a v2. and for the ppl who dont like the bottom it will be changed. so anything else that ppl want me to change please tell me now
looks really good at first it looked really small but well done for having two levels, looks neat and thers some cool features, good job
its cool and i like the the simplicity of the map it reminds me of PI which wasnt the greatest 1v1 map but it was fun i like the river and the explosives under it it looks neat and tidy and weapon placment looks topnotch q`ed for DL