HOLLOW ROADWAY CREATED BY EMERGING KILLER, AND KING LIPP THIS MAP IS ONLY USED FOR SLAYER The first map that i have made for this amazingly spectacular, map pack is called deathbridge and yes it is a bridge not just a bunch of flat walls put in the air across foundry, it is a full working highway bridge with wires, roadway, exits, and a walkway. the teams spawn across from each other on the bridge and fight to the death in the middle of the bridge. then they start to spawn around the map in different areas, the way to get to the top of the bridge, in other words on the wires, is how you would get to the top of a real working bridge taking the door in the middle of the bridge support. there are 3 sections to the bridge : -------------------------------------------------- <------- roadway going thata way -------------------------------------------------- walkway -------------------------------------------------- roadway going thata way -------> -------------------------------------------------- this is actually my favorite part of the map there are 2 mongooses on each roadway and when there is someone on the roadway a person on the other team can hop on the mongoose and splatter him just like a speeding car on the highway, going to run over somebody. well thats it for this map please enjoy these pics and have fun with it. TO DOWNLOAD THIS MAP VARIENT: THE HOLLOW ROADWAY TO DOWNLOAD THIS GAME VARIENT: TRAFFIC JAM PICTURE 1: OVERVIEW PICTURE 2: STRUCTURE 1 PICTURE 3: STRUCTURE 2 PICTURE 4: THE WIRES PICTURE 5: THE ROADWAY PICTURE 6: EXIT B PICTURE 7: EXIT A STREETS FROM RAINBOW SIX VEGAS CREATED BY EMERGING KILLER AND XX NICKRULES XX THIS MAP IS ONLY USED FOR SLAYER, CTF, ASSAULT, AND ODDBALL So the second map that i have made is called STREETS for its distuinguished personality to backs of houses with and a sewer tunnel with a storage area. and plus that the fact that is from rainbow six vegas. to teams start out in the tunnels and move to the upstairs area wicth consists of two houses a side house 2 entrances to the sewers 1 trough the sewer's main house and one through a sewer stairway, and a strough a sewer plate in one of the houses, so there are 2 floors to each building, the tunnels are shaped like a backwards L and finally the piece to resistance it is all put on a pile of boxes to make it look like an illusion. HOW TO PLAY (GAME VARIENT): just this one tency tiny little thing to make sure that no one gets out of the map to be a douche just put the gravity to 150 and the speed to 90 and everything should work okdoky, trust me the graviy and speed doesn't make a different one bit, i have tested this map about 12 times each game type twice and the people playing can't even feel the difference in gravity and speed. TO DOWNLOAD MAP VARIENT: STREETS PICTURE 1: OVERVIEW OF MAP PICTURE 2: HOUSE 1 PICTURE 3: HOUSE 1, FLOOR 1 PICTURE 4: HOUSE 1, FLOOR 2 PICTURE 5: HOUSE 2 PICTURE 6: HOUSE 2, FLOOR 1 PICTURE 7: HOUSE 2, FLOOR 2 PICTURE 8: SIDE BUILDING PICTURE 9: SIDE BUILDING, FLOORS 1 AND 2 PICTURE 10: OVERVIEW OF TUNNELS PICTURE 11: MAIN TUNNEL PICTURE 12: WALKWAY INTO THE SEWER TUNNELS PICTURE 13: FRIEGHT WAREHOUSE UNDERGROUND IN THE TUNNELS BUT ABOVE THE WATER THANK YOU AND PLEASE ENJOY
This looks amazing. Looks like a lot of work, but it obviously paid off. Great job, hopefully more to come. P.S. I will probably end up using this for infection as well.
1 im not double posting and 2 if you accuse me of double posting you might want to double check your sig there pally
nice maps, i think putting to mmaps togeyher is good tho, nice maps, but im not a real competitive player
very nice maps looks like you took your time and really thought them through. I like the first one a little more, i guess just because it looks more unique. Both look very fun, and I'd like to play them when my box gets repaired. dont mind sykot1c, he's just spamming. He didn't even notice that you posted 2 maps.
I would prefer the first map Death Bridge rather than Back Alley. It seems to have a more simpler layout and more creative design. Although some of the interlocking could be cleaned up in both maps. Not very creative names either.
Dude you have such great Ideas I swear!! Where do you come up with them..?! Your like a powerhouse at posting too.. You can type of a thread beautifuly. I really like the maps here I love the sewer idea. nice work keep it up and keep em comming!
ok guys i wanted to see who could figure out what the second map look like in this double map pack but obviously no one figured it out so i am just going to tell you it is streets from rainbow six vegas the original so please enjoy
I've seen almost all your maps and to me they were all pretty so so but I must say that this one is excellent. It looks extremely good. 5/5 from me.
I like these, some good skills you got buddy =] However I would change the title of this thread before a mod gets angry maybe. I think you have to have just the map(s) name and that's it. Again nice work