I'm unaware of the existence of the word epitath. Also, looks horribly unbalanced. You could just go behind the teleporter and assassinate the zombies as the come out.
Looks like it will play as if your fighting under Construct. Just telekill all of the Zombies. The giant armoury and three turrets aren't what I call "balanced". And why put Mongooses on a map?
A map on a Shipped map, haven't seen this in a while. If you want to fix the map some, try to avoid the armory, It leads to camping, which sucks in Infection. Just spread the weapons around the map. While a place that is meant to be the human's last stand makes a great game video, the gameplay sucks. To fix the Teleporters, just put them as close to a wall or a ledge as possible, so that the humans don't camp behind them and get easy kills.
first of all spammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^^^^^^ now about the map. take it form me it is hard to think of an original idea and this is not one. the thing is that this map, besides a little carelessness, looks really fun.
lol ur probably right. i have nothing positive to sday about this map. all the spots u put were discovered months ago. all the teles make a horrible map. looks like it was put together in 5 seconds. i mean honestly is this a joke??? terrible usually bad maps i give a 1/5 or .5/5 too, but i cant even go that high. maybe a .0001/5 cus u posted the pics right.
This doesn't look too amazing. There doesn't need to be a turret pointing at almost every teleporter. Also, original name there dude. lol
Sorry man, but this kinda sucks. Your weapon placement is pretty random and putting three turrets next to each other to guard one entrance next to a bunch of fusion coils that could explode if accidentally shot annihilating the turret user isn't really that user friendly
I know you where trying to be original but let's face it. Epitath sucks, and there really isn't much to do with it. You can decorate it for machinimas, but really can't change it. 1/5 proffesional opinion.
......I really don't get it. My friend made a map like this about the 3rd week the game came out, and it sucked.
I hate to say it, because I am not a rude person, but the map does look hideously imbalanced. This, I'm afraid, is a prime example of why so many people dislike Infection. Camping spots ruin Infection games. Armories ruin Infection games. Teleporters leading to camping spots or armories... wait for it... ruin Infection. I normally would not be so outright, but as Infection is my favourite gametype (or one of, anyway), I will usually leap to defend it. But only if it is worth defending. Armories cause imbalance, especially when they have barricades and an escape teleporter, as humans will just camp there. Teleporters allow humans to totally annihilate Infected players (or vice versa, depending on who is where), and ruin gameplay for at least one team, if not both (this varies depending on the maturity of the players). I'm afraid you map just does not look enjoyable. It's only my 2 cents, but I personally would not play this. On the other hand, it's a nice change to see a map on an original release map, and at least there's no insta-kill gametype to go with it.
not very original, if you have teleporters out in the open have extremely few weapons and ammo. no mongoose.
Umm first off not very original. Second armories=bad. Third your final stand is easily conquered because zombies can just jump through the back near the shield door above it.
I like that it is DLC, but the random teleporters would make me angry and I would get confused. I think you have the right idea, just not the right map. Epitath is...well a bad map. I give you a 7-10 for an infection map.