You see ferretness here is a hardcore conservative Christian, and he thinks abstinence is the best course of action. He wasn't saying that drunk driving = unprotected sex, he was saying drunk driving = sex before marriage. That being said. I'm going to give you my personal thoughts on abstinence. Sex is like a mine field covered in pieces of gold, sex ed teaches you how to disable those mines, while abstinence just tells you to stay away from the mine field in general.
Wise words. I find it hard to argue the sex before marriage based on religion subject. Its formed on a basis that I disagree with but am never going to convince the religious person to abandon, therefore I have never found that the argument goes anywhere. (I don't want to discredit religious standpoints like this, I just find that arguments about the teachings of religion having impact upon todays society never go anywhere, the two people are occupying two mutually exclusive standpoints) All I can say is, don't let religious views such as this impact upon those who aren't religious, hold your own opinions and let people hold theirs, making their decisions for them by forcing abstinence and denying them contraceptives is unfair. EDIT: KEEP having to remove my sig. Every time I forget.....EVERY TIME!
Actually no, im neither hardcore conservative, nor practicing abstinence. You know what they say about assumptions.... My point was that sex in general is a bad idea unless you wanna have kids, and you shouldn't enable it. I was being sarcastic...
This is what I disagree with, why is sex bad unless you want to have children? You can't deny that its pleasureable and, as long as people are careful, it hurts no one. What objection to this can you have?
Sex ed teaches them to be careful, while abstinence doesn't, which leads to people not being careful.
Exactly. You can't stop people having sex, and you shouldn't be allowed to even if you could. Accept the reality, even though I agree that its far from perfect, and try to make the best of the situation, instead of ignoring the problem. Teenagers are never going to ignore sex unanimously, so we must deal with it.
we are not they will do it no matter what WE say the difference is whether or not they are protected.
I'm sorry ferret I have agreed with just about all of your debate ideas, however I just cant connect your comparisons to handing out condoms at school. Condoms to kids is no where even closely related to druggies and needles. Condoms are out there to help prevent diseases and help prevent the chances of getting a girl pregnant. Needles to a druggie is to get them high so how are those related at all?
Titmar, ever seen Idiocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Idiocracy? This totally explains if the smart people were "too smart" to have sex, and is would probably happen if there were alot of "dumb bitches" But handing out condoms at school? I dont care. We either have one or dont. But its stupid people at my school show off a condom like if it was 100 dollar bill. Its just a ballon-look-alike used for sexual purposes. But if I was sober, I will go outta my way to buy one. Its better to e safe than sorry.
Reminds me of the time someone brought condoms and milk to school (aswell as a good throwing arm). Classic >.< You should have seen people's faces.