Ok, I'm gonna start by saying that I made this map late last year, before techniques such as interlocking and geomerging became commonplace. So if you're looking for something pretty, this isn't exactly the best map. That being said, here's Abandon. My first attempt at a decent asymmetrical map. A view of the offense base, from the back of the map: And from the base: The defense's side: And from their base: Attackers may have a little trouble getting past some of the defenses: Around the back of the map, go on foot inside, or via Mongoose on the outside: Weaponry and such: 3 Assault Rifles 6 Battle Rifles 1 Shotgun 1 Sniper Rifle 2 SMG 3 Spikers 1 Magnum 1 Plasma Pistol 2 Plasma Rifle 1 Needler 2 Brute shot 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Laser 2 Gravity Hammers 3 Machine Gun Turrets 1 Flamethrower 2 Mongooses All grenade types 2 Bubble Shields 2 Power Drains 2 Trip Mines 2 Grav Lifts 1 Flare 1 Deployable Cover 1 Overshield 1 Active Camo 3 Teleporter networks, which give access to key defensive points. Also, 1 soccer ball, which should give the defense a heads-up of an incoming attacker. I believe the map works best for 3v3 to 5v5 One Flag. Haven't playtested it a whole lot, only with a few friends. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, as I said, it's an older map, so theses newfangled techniques weren't employed for making this one. Download Abandon HERE! On another note, please ignore all the 1 out of 5s on my maps, I ticked off a few kids on the Bungie site and they were like 'haha, we rated your flie share as a 1'.
sad that its not interlocked but you did a great job and oh yeah, I'll rate the 1s 5 so they become average already and then see what the real public thinks about them.
Yeah, I was honestly considering redoing the whole map with some inerlocking and geomergeing, it would really take the rough edges out, but thats another 10 hours I could be putting into the other maps I'm working on, so I don't think it's gonna happen. Maybe if I get forger's block someday.
you know for no interlocking the map actually looks really good mabey you should check out all my maps except warmuseum because they have barley very little interlocking either
looks really fun, uv got the right idea i just think u should go bck and straighten, clean everything out but overall looks quite good
Here's a good question. Why would you post something you made last year? Not the map I would download sorry...
Because I just joined the site, and figured that I could put some of my previous work up. Thank you at least for saying it's not your type, not 'lol yur map sux man lern 2 forge no interlock wtf' Also, here's a good question. Are those RUNESCAPE stats? On a HALO board?
ummm... foundry was not made last year... well the map does look fun at least so you did a goodjob without the interlocking!
Actually it was December if I remember, and that is considered last year. I like it! Sounds good for competitive gameplay, but if you do have time, smoothing it out would be really good. Not that you have to, but if you like a map, why not perfect it? I will plan on playing this with my friends at my house, sounds good for 4 vs. 4. Happy forging! ~Randle $candal
Nice map but even though interlocking wasn't discovered it doesn't mean that your walls can't be straight. It's still a good map none the less.
I'm pretty sure the map will play the same way even with out interlocking. It still looks good and has a good layout. Nice map.
ya dude foundry wasnt out a year ago so come on but good map you should enter it in the lazy forgers contest so ya nice job
Yeah dude, I didn't say a year ago, I said last year. Around Christmas time. Maybe you should enter that post in the Lazy Poster Contest. No capitalization or punctuation is a bit more of a crime than no interlocking.