Someone think of a better name! Here is the post at : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This is a symmetrical map with two bases. There are two warthogs outside of the bases that spawn after two minutes. They are there to help if the round starts lasting a while in CTF games. A ghost spawns in the middle after 90 seconds also. Game types set up for: Multi Flag Team slayer Slayer Territories Oddball (not sure how it plays) King of the hill/mosh pit (not sure how it plays) Neutral Bomb, and Two Bomb Assault. Vehicles: 4 Mongeese 2 Warthogs 1 Ghost Weapons: 1 Spartan Laser 2 Shotguns 2 Snipers 2 Rocket Launchers 6 Battle Rifles 4 SMGs 4 Plasma Rifles In "weapon stash" (in bases) 4 Assault Rifles per stash (8 total) 4 BRs (8 total) 2 Magnums (4 total) 2 SMGs (4 total) This is my first map, C&C greatly appreciated.
nice for your first post.. as i can see you folowed all the rules nice job on that... the map itself looks pretty good, completely symmetrical, but its very open, you used timed map events which is a good start but the only experienced forging techneque you used. btw welcome to forgehub. maybe a name could be base2base? catchy i think lol.
Welcome to forgehub! Nice first post but the map seems a little basic. P.S. We like asymetrial maps better.
There is nothing really special about this map. ANd it seems very plain. i suggest you make a v2 and make some changes. Other than that...nice post.
i suggest that you do not flame other member for their creations. very disrespectful of you. i recommend editing your post before you get neg repped or an infraction.
Looks good for a first try, try to add more cover just like the other guy said, and if you find that people are not going to a certain area on the map, add a more powerful weapon there, or a powerup. Also, add crates so people can get to higher areas not normally able to reach unless grenade jumping. Pros and Cons: +Looks clean +Symmetry looks nice +Balanced placement of weapons -Needs more cover -Level seems to be set only on the ground
It would be nice to add more structures and eye-catching scenery for this map. Glad you can follow ForgeHub rules!