First, this is my first forgehub post, and it may be a bit sloppy. bare with me plzzzzzzz. Anyway, this map is designed around an all-consuming, death inducing reactor, made from mancannons, sheild doors, and teleporters. "What once was thought of as a technological breakthrough is nothing more than a nuclear deathtrap." This map is very small, symetrical, and fun to play. its main features are the deathpit, aka the reactor, and the teleporter tunnels. this map is set up for CTF, Slayer, and Oddball. No more then 6 players, cause then the spawns screw up. Here is the link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Screenshots: The lower level. reactor hole can be seen. The shotgun spawn. underneath it is the reactor. THE REACTOR. The top level. the shotgun can be seen in the middle. Weapons on map: BR x4 Carbine x2 Mauler x2 Shotgun x1 Plasma grenade x6 frag x2 Plasma Rifle x2 plasma Pistol x2 SMG x2 Spiker x4 Brute Shot x2 Regenerator x2 Thanks for reading all of this and checking out my map! kudos!
well the map looks well constructed but kinda small. Im starting to find that smaller maps do worse. espically my pentagon and TrI map. gets to repative.
NICE JOB u finally got the pictures perfect great work! im gunna deleate my other messages just so there is room for good posts! peace! Nice Work Edit: Now for my finally thought about this map! Great work! You are obviously new and you did a great job of interlocking... and u should be very proud... Im giving u good rep and im sending a friend request to see wut other maps u have in store for in the future I give this map 8/10 ! great work
map looks good. In some parts ur interlocking looks a bit sloppy. Also I think ur map would be better if it was only dual weapons and close range weapons. BR and Cars on ur map might be overpowered. but u never no. Ill give it a try
Nice map. I like the shotgun above the death pit. I would have liked testing it with you but you deleted me. :-( More pics would be nice too.
very nice.. this reminds me of my 1 unreleased map. anyway. it looks really good and clean ill have to try it.
very cool I like the look of the reactor... perhaps too much because I want to jump in... It seems pretty small, probably good for 1v1 and 2v2. good map overall, keep it up.
that's getting old. the only thing you're doing is purchasing an express ticket to banville. it's a good map as well as the others that you have insulted. we dont need spam cluttering forgehub so please stop, whether you be a wondering troll/noob/existing member with a second account for the purpose of spammery, just stop.
ok ya either your being sacrcastic or just an idiot.. or w.e. i see your already banned so that sure is a good thing.... Please dont spam the forums.... you'll probably get banned before u even get a high enough posts... So i dont see the point... Again great map... and yes i love the reactor thing... Maybe i like it soo much i jump in lol