
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gopuri, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Gopuri

    Gopuri Ancient
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    NOTE: Fixed Problems.
    1. Flipped 1 door that was rightside-up to upside-down. (check pictures, you see which door i mean.)

    2. Fixed a possible escape above the bases.

    3. Added 2 fusion coils in each teleporter room ( to help stop tele-camping )

    4. Deleted Tele-spawns to prevent spawn/tele camping.

    Hello everyone, this is another of my maps, Re-Vamp Made by xXGopuriXx.

    Side Notes:

    This map is MLG Inspired.
    This map is Symmetrical.


    Starting from the base you go right or left over "humps" in the floor to directly battle your opponent, but before you do that you may want to shoot him through the fence walls in front of you. However, if you prefer an above approach, you can back up into the teleporters and be tele-ed up to the catwalk. From there you can see a good bit of the map but you teleport right next to 2 fusion coils so you better get out.


    Team Slayer (4 v 4 MAX)
    Team Multi Flag (4 v 4 MAX)
    Team King of the Hill (4 v 4 MAX)
    Team Oddball (4 v 4 MAX)

    Weapons and Equipment:

    Battle Rifle x8 (10 sec Respawn, 2 clip)
    Covenant Carbine x6 (90 sec Respawn, 2 clip)
    Mauler x1 (180 sec Respawn, 0 clip)
    Plasma Grenade x6 (30 sec Respawn)


    "You have just Spawned, Begin your Killing Spree"
    "To one side you see a box full of barrels, and an enemy on the other side... take the shot then finish him off at the Hump"
    "To the other side, you see a box with a few pallets, a roadblock, and a few traffic cones, but theres also a propane tank... and you have a smile only a mother could love"
    "After 1 or 2 shots from the Barrel Box, you can easily pick this guy off at the hump and continue the masscre"
    "While rounding the corner, you see another guys and decide to quickly throw a plasma grenade, too easy of a kill to even mention"
    "Darn, this guy just barely got away through the teleporter, however.."
    "While waiting for you to follow him up, hoping to get an easy assasination, you back up a bit and throw a well placed nade right into the Catwalk Box, And i guess he forgot about the 2 Fusion Coils right next to him.. hehe"
    "After going through the now safe teleporter, you see 2 enemys coming at you, a Plasma nade and some nice headshots and these guys are nothing in your onslaught"
    "For just one moment you admire the terrain that you Raped so many kids on, The pride you must have is unknown to all Others"

    Please give me Feedback, Good or bad. Its the only way that i can Improve :)
    #1 Gopuri, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
  2. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    oh i remember playing on this alright... lief being retarded with his spawn killing killamanjaro... anyway. i really hope you fixed that spawn situation because it took away from the gameplay BIG time. for a couple moments when we played and nobody spawn killed, the map actually played pretty well. although it's not the best map... but its a pretty decent map compared to a lot of others. good work on this one Gopuri. (but only if you fixed the spawn points... if you didnt... welll then... YOU SUCK! lol jk)
  3. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    this map is well constructed, but i cant exacly see from the pictures youve got wut the map is like...more overview pictures would be nice... fro right now no D/L becasue of the pics ... if you more pictures a download will almost be definate! Good Luck
    From wut i can see this map is worth 8/10.. more pics might get u a 9/10!
    #3 OddWorld17, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  4. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    doesn't look bad i like it, i'll check it out sometime
  5. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    this looks preaty nice even though i don't see any interlocking but there maybe some. nice job!
  6. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map has some great gameplay elements. But some of the object interlocking looks unnessesary. Good job, anyway, and keep it up!
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Wow... I already download... Good job and keep it up!
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I admire the fact that you geo-merged, gave several pictures, gave descriptions, and obviously put work into it. The map looks complex, and could have some nice battles. Good job, bro!
  9. Gopuri

    Gopuri Ancient
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  10. HayabusaNinja

    HayabusaNinja Ancient
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    Great map Gopuri. Im seing if the IGBL is using it in their map list.
  11. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    great mlg map. i will add it to the igbl list
  12. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    The pics don't reveal much of the feel of the map but the spacing makes it look huge in it's own respect. I really like it.
  13. Gopuri

    Gopuri Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ty, hooray for igbl maplist, 2 in there now :)

    BTW: i fixed some things and changed the download link since when i first posted the map.

    1. Flipped 1 door that was rightside-up to upside-down. (check pictures, you see which door i mean.

    2. Fixed a possible escape above the bases.

    3. Added 2 fusion coils in each teleporter room ( to help stop tele-camping )

    4. Deleted Tele-spawns to prevent spawn/tele camping.
  14. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good map, ill DL when im under my 100 mark on items
    i like this one, it reminds me of when I made maps for doubles, but that was when I didnt know the budget glitch=)
  15. Gopuri

    Gopuri Ancient
    Senior Member

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    TY for Downloading, cant wait for the feedback :)
  16. xRifleProdigy x

    xRifleProdigy x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks nice! though you could have interlocked the double boxes being used as barriers.
  17. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Note that your version of Separation in the IGBL list is modified by Muskrat01. We played a match on it, and I totally broke it and pissed everyone off. I went outside and took the snipers in your name, and then camped the center building, raining spawn death down on the other team. Truly epic.

    Anyway, you might want to do a complete overhaul of Separation. I'd suggest geomerging everything down just a tad to prevent grenade trapping in the tunnels, and then even doing some more complicated merges. When I get RNS done and have some testing, we should go through it and I'll help you out. ;)

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