I've struck up the idea to make some videos focused on the design of a level, i.e. asymmetry, balance, spawns, geometry, uses of special effects, like aesthetic touches, and switches. Basically we have the stuff that helps people make their maps look good, but very little that helps them make their map play well, and the stuff that has, never seems to get noticed enough. Also, videos are a quicker, and more easily digested medium of information. Basically I need actors(not really voice actors) but just puppeteers to help me with live action examples. Anyone who has any advice to give, or wants to sign on to help, please do so! ***Edit*** I forgot to post a short sign up form: (please post times in GMT for ease of understanding, EST=GMT-5, CST=GMT-6, MST=GMT-7 and PST=GMT-8.) Gamertag: Time Zone: Time most available: Machinima Experience?: If yes, describe an example or two: If you are still having trouble with Time Zones, go here: LINK Helpers: Gamertag: Turbo Gerbil604 Time Zone: GMT -8 Time most available: 12-8am weekdays, 6pm-8am Friday, Weekends fluctuate. Machinima Experience?: No Gamertag: Kronos 001 Time Zone: GMT -6 Time most available: 8 or 9 Machinima Experience?: One non-vocal part. If yes, describe an example or two: I really just was told to play the part of a 'thief' and kinda sneak around the actors while they were doing their parts. Gamertag: Flawless Blades Time Zone: -8 GMT (PST) Time most available: 8pm-2am, 5am-7am (GMT) Machinima Experience?: No Gamertag: philthyphillup Time Zone: GMT -8 Time most available: 6:30-8:00AM, 10:00PM-12:00AM, 3:30AM-7:00AM Machinima Experience?: my friends and i have been putting a machinima project together for some time and will be releasing it shortly. hopefully! Gamertag: American10 Time Zone: GMT-8 Time most available: 12am-12pm Machinima Experience?: yes If yes, describe an example or two: Used to have a farcry machinima,also i do some thing for "To catch a map thief"(im a cop).
Gamertag: Kronos 001 (You're on my list. ) Time Zone: GMT -6 Time most available: Anytime really, other than 6:00 a.m to 12:50 p.m. that is only tomorrow, after that, anytime after 8 or 9. Machinima Experience?: I did something in Halo 2. . . no voice or anything. If yes, describe an example or two: I really just was told to play the part of a 'thief' and kinda sneak around the actors while they were doing their parts.
Gamertag: Flawless Blades Time Zone: -8 GMT (PST) Time most available: 8pm-2am, 5am-7am (GMT) Machinima Experience?: No....unless you count playing co-op campaign pretending to be an actual Spartan with Elite partners.... Hi, I would love to be able to help with your video....if there's no need for voice then it would be great cause I don't like my voice that the mic makes...
Sure dude, your time schedule might cut it a little close, but yeah. Unfortunately, that doesn't count. ; ]
Your time zone is GMT -8 too? Then it's much easier to say. I can be on around 12pm-6pm, 9pm-11pm (Tues and Thurs). 12pm-11pm (Mon,Weds,Fri-Sun).
Gamertag: philthyphillup Time Zone: GMT -8 Time most available: next week Machinima Experience?: my friends and i have been putting a machinima project together for some time and will be releasing it shortly. hopefully!
Could you please specify what times? Like when you wake up, and go to sleep(in GMT, so in your case add 8 hours). And are you going on vacation after next week, or something?
well no, i switch back and forth from my moms and dads, my dad has the xbox my mom has the computer. but to be specific everyother week i will be on around 10:30-12:00AM and 2:00-4:00PM and 7:30-11:00PM. were in the same time zone so it should be easy. these times are just roughly what it normally is.
Okay, I added all of you guys on Xbox Live, I'm going to start writing a script for our first video. It will be on asymmetry, and balance in said environment.
Gamertag:American10 Time Zone:gmt-8 Time most available: 12am-12pm Machinima Experience?:yes If yes, describe an example or two:Used to have a farcry machinima,also i do some thing for "To catch a map thief"(im a cop)
So are you going to PM the script to us on FH? And when will we get together to work on it cause I gotta make sure that I don't have any that I need to do.
Gamertag: LOL zombie Time Zone: GMT -6 (CST) (Wisconsin) Time most available: Hmm.. Depends - weekdays is best from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST Weekends is pretty much anytime. Machinima Experience?: Ehh...Nothing really. If yes, describe an example or two: NONE! JEEZ
Gamertag:Ellemennt75 Time Zone:-5 (EST_ Time most available: 7:30-9:00ish...maybe Machinima Experience?:none, but i'd like to start. If yes, describe an example or two:^^^ Maybe count me in as a late addition? Also, as Blades said, i don't like what the mic does to my voice.
Very sorry, the ship sort of crashed as I am just recovering from a flu I've had recently. Going to try and finish it up, and hopefully, I'll have it done before I, myself lose interest.