Influx Influx is a medium sized symetrical map centred around team based gametypes and FFA slayer for around 6-12 players. Download v2.5 Here Download v2.8 Here Description: Influx is my first attempt at a full competitive map; featuring interlocking and geo-glitching to a high standard. It has been designed with mid ranged combat in mind, and BR starts are recommended. There are two key areas to the map. The first is a central area into which multiple pathways converge. This is circumvented by a walkway above. Two paths are sunk into the ground, leading into an underground section where an active camoflage can be found. The second key area is an outer courtyard, overlooked by two sniper towers (á la The Pit) each with a mongoose in a garage underneath. From here, players can evade detection and flank the enemy. However, if found, players are vulnerable to enemy fire and are left very open. Again, underground paths allow quick access between the outer courtyard and the inner areas. The paths also allow a fast method of escape from enemy fire. In objective gametypes, the paths can be very important to secure, since opponents will often use them to sneak by. Many a bomb carrier can be found lurking in these paths. There are two bases on the map. Each base is enclosed, but has several entrances. Weapons on Map Weaponary on the map is varied, with the key power weapons being a Fuel Rod Gun, 2 Sniper Rifles, and a shotgun. 2x Assault Rifle 4x Battle Rifle 2x Carbine 1x Shotgun (90 second respawn, spare clips: 1) 2x Sniper Rifle (120 second respawn, spare clips: 2) 4x Sub Machine Gun 2x Magnum 2x Plasma Pistol 2x Plasma Rifle 1x Brute Shot 2x Mauler 1x Fuel Rod Gun (150 second respawn, spare clips: 1) Equipment: I limited the amount of equipment on the map since I wanted the focus to be tight knit fighting and securing objectives. To me, the only piece of equipment that would suit the map was the bubble shield. A great use of the bubble shield on this map is to aid a friend on another level of the map. If thrown in an underground pathway, a large proportion of the bubble can be seen overhead. This can lead to many tactical uses for the bubble shield. A bubble shield can be found just outside each base. During playtesting I did experiment with power drains and regens, but they had too much of a direct effect on gameplay. I didn't want the map to become a grenade spam paradise so I placed limited amounts. Frag grenades would be plentiful from all the dead people 2x Bubble Shield (90 second respawn) 1x Active Camo (150 second respawn) 4x Plasma Grenades 4x Spike Grenades Gallery A few screenshots of the map. Action shots to come soon (hopefully). The outer area of the map showing the two sniper towers and an open courtyard leading to the central area. The inner area - the sunken pathways lead into the underground area where camo spawns. Another image of the central area - The shotgun spawns inside the small area with the window panels. Here you can see the diminutive nature of one of the bases. The open box above houses a bubble shield. A closer image of one of the sniper towers. A mongoose is located underneath for fast movement around the outer area of the map. Notes Playtesting has shown that Influx is functional for ALL gametypes. However, I think that the map plays best for CTF and slayer gametypes. The map has gone through several revisions. I'm satisfied that the map is unbreakable although I'm sure you guys can be the judges of that! Spawning could be an issue. However, I've never seen a forge map with completely fool proof spawning. Having said that, if you do find any serious issues please inform me ASAP. I want this map to be the best it can be. I'm guessing that many of you will spot the fuel rod gun and think 'z0mG teh n00b w3apon'. Well actually it adds a bit of variety to proceedings. Besides, it has a very long respawn and it gives the teams something to fight over. Thanks a lot for taking the time to read through all of that. I really hope you give this map a try. Even if you don't like it, it's worth hearing some criticism. Since this is my first FH post I hope I haven't broken any rules either. I won't be around to answer any questions from Saturday 28th (for a week). Thanks, Joe
nice job on your first post. This map has a good amount of merging so you seem like a semi pro map maker. Good job.
Wondeful first post. Embedded screenshots, a great description, plus rep for you. As for the map, also amazing. Great mergeing here, as well as some good interlocking. Nice Job -MattDGiant
Yes, nice job on your post by doing the simple rules ForgeHub posts about embedded pics and all. Looks great though there could be more interlocking for version 2 if you are up to making one.
I didn't think there was a necessity for interlocking everything during the building of the map. Having finished it, I realised that a few places could have been neater. Unfortunately I've reached my financial and item limits (without the money glitch somehow) and further interlocking will be very difficult. I am working on a 1 vs 1 varient without the outer areas. It should be much tighter and I'll definately try to remove any small gaps and bumps. Since I'll be deleting most of the map I should have some money to play around with. Thanks for the feedback. I should have come here a long time ago. Bnet is pretty much useless for any constructive feedback.
Very nicely done. I'm really diggin the layout from what I can see in the pics. Nice mix of mid and short range combat, and your merging looks impressive. I'm gonna have to take a closer look at this one. Keep forging
True interlocking will be hard with all of the items you could have used it on as there are so many and probably aren't necessary. Downloaded =)
it looks really really unbelievably good for ur first post. most first posts go like boxes stacked wtih stairs, small interlocking there and here, and waeapons. great job 9/10. keep up the great forging!!
With your first post, you've successfully done what it takes most people until their third or fourth to do. Congratulations, +rep to you, and I have it queued for download. Keep up the excellent Forging, posting, and grammatical structure. I hope to hear a lot more out of you as your ForgeHub career continues!
I've got absolutely no idea I began this map hoping to make a nice, small TS map without the need for money glitching. Everything sort of fell into place, and even if I had some more money I don't think I would have used it. Suffice to say the map isn't particularly small. Thanks for the positive responses. I've got to admit that I was initially put off from posting because I thought you'd all completely rip me to shreds. Thanks everyone.
WOW first post and you have merging and pics. OMG It's so beutiful to see someone new post a map correctly (My first map on here didn't have embedded pics.) As for the map itself, It looks pretty cool I think I'll dl and try to give you some more advice.
Well somebody gave it 1 star... hmm... Anyway, It isn't like I'm completely new. I've been skulking around FH as a guest for months. I'm also someone who likes things done properly... if someone makes an untidy post it says a lot about their map.
wow! this map is great for a first post! the maps looks nicely interlocked! this is a very good map! great job!
looks pretty good, some cool features and im sure its fun, some places look abit rushed but overall really good well done
Amen to that! And yeah, it seems like most everyone does that and lurks for a while. I typically lurk about a week before joining a community. Anyway, it's refreshing to see a new member of FH that will actually help out the community, and isn't a random Bnet noob. =D
lol... I've actually given up with Bnet... it's filled with people who just bump anything and everything. Every other post is an advertisment and the forums are a joke. In fact, I think they've stopped the bumping epidemic by making it impossible to see the popular threads. How on earth is that supposed to work? Even worse, the majority of threads end up becoming some sort of flame war, or turn into a complaint about BR spread.
OK, after a forge-through here's my review for the map: This map is very nice well built map that has the potential for some very good gameplay. The biggest complaint I have with it is the fact that one of the bridges leading from the tunnels isn't placed high enough and therefore you have to jump up it. This could be very frustrating if you're trying to run away from someone and you can't get up the step. Overall it's well built although some of the fence walls could have been interlocked for a better aesthetic value (and better playability) and some of the staircases are in kind of awkward positions. I understand why your staircases are there I just think that you could have placed them a little bit better than they are right now. The interlocking in most parts are great and you have quite a bit of geo-merging which impressed me. Your pictures for the map seem to not show the map very well. I was much more impressed by the forge through than the initial pictures, I would try taking better pictures for your future maps. In future maps I would recommend spending more time thinking about weapon placement because there seems to be a bit to many with too much ammo here. I have not acctually play tested the map so I can't tell for sure. Seems like a really fun map to play so great job! 4.2/5
Very nice for a first map their is a bright future for you here. I like the interlocking and overall design of the map. I am going to download it and give it a forge through.