The Crystal Ball

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by blacksmith, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. blacksmith

    blacksmith Ancient
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    The crystal ball is an Easter egg I happened upon when forging around. Now, I'm not sure if it's already been discovered out there, but this is what I can describe of it...

    In Sandtrap, there are two small ledges to stand on. Within these ledges where the walls rise up, you can peer down through a small crevice. It's best to use your binoculars for a better look. If there's another player on the map as well, you can see a fragment of what he's seeing through that tiny crevice. You can't see their HUD however, but it's good to find things, and it's perfect for spying in a massive multiplayer game.

    It's hard to give directions to the place. From what my mind can concoct, stand by the rockets/turret platform, sandwiched between the two air-vent structures. From their, look inwardly towards the main structure, gazing over the rectangular courtyard. There are numerous "pincers" lining the sides of the main structure. They stick up from the sides (yellow stone) and arc inward towards each other. From where you're looking, you should see two indents from where different pincers rise from the main structure. Go over to those indents (there's a "crystal ball" in each of them) and peer down through the crack you'll see. Be sure that there's another player on the map, and what you'll see is what they see. Have them move around so you can observe their movements as proof.

    Now, I'm sure those directions may be hard to follow. Tell me if so and I'll come up with some more precise instructions for finding it. Truthfully, it's not anywhere near any serious landmarks, making it hard to locate with words. So tell me if it’s already out there. Tell me if you can’t follow my bullcrap instructions. Tell me if you’ve already found it. I’m putting posting it in case it hasn’t been discovered.
  2. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    maybe to make directions easier you could take a screenshot of the map, them MS paint the location you wish us to go to to see it, we can look for ourselves from then on. I think it might help a little bit.
  3. blacksmith

    blacksmith Ancient
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    The only problem is that I don't have a graphics card working for my computer, and so I cannot upload images onto the internet. MS Paint doesn't save/open files anymore. I'll take a picture of Sandtrap from Google image and try to point it out.

    Where the arrow points is where one of the two indents are (along the bottom of the image). Look through a small crevice there and you'll see the "crystal ball", as I call it. Further to the right, which isn't shown in the picture, is an identical indent with another crystal ball.

    Now, I'm sure that's a lot easier to understand.
  4. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    This was discovered awhile back, I think about a week after the launch of Halo 3 and these walls are outside of every Halo 3 map, nothing special really.
  5. blacksmith

    blacksmith Ancient
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    At least I finally caught the answer. I had no idea it was already found when I came across it. So thanks for enlightening me.
  6. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I noticed it while playing split-screen a long time ago.

    I have to point out though: I've never seen it work online.

    If there is something you have to do, anyone, tell me, but It only works for me on split-screen.

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