Last Ground A map where you start off on the beach or defending your base. Most areas in are blocked or booby trapped. No set spawns for one team so whoever takes the base should keep it till they are all killed off. Some teleporters are for advancing faster and others are for sniping positions. Edited for Team Slayer, CTF, Teritories, and King of the Hill. Last Ground Pictures: Last Ground 1, Last Ground 2, Last Ground 3, Last Ground 4, Last Ground 5.
All of your maps have been very unimpressive unfortuneately. They just seem to be adjusted version of default standard maps. And the objects, scenery, weapons, equipment dont seem that they've been placed with any care. Just random stuff thrown around with vehicles. If you've forged a map using the originals and its just a variant, could you give us all of the little details. Sorry, but 4/10
its ok not great through 3/5 (try to come up with an origonal thing for ur map like the sliding door or tower in the sky
this is a little better than ur other maps, but it is still basic with guns everywhere and a lot of vehicles.4/10
again not a lot going on read what i said on your other map CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISIM-not just complaining
Wow, I thought that you only posted once, I's be wrong. You shouldn't post a map here that Isnt thouht through well and done on the old maps
4/10 , theyre just slightly altered maps with nothing original being included.sorry but its the truth.
All Im seeing in this tread, is a sum of members ganging up on some poor guy because his map isn't on foundry, and it's not interlocked. Give him a chance dammit! I don't care if you think it looks bad from the screenshots. Just give it a download before you judge it. Im -repping a few of you for being unsupportive. This forum isn't for making the ultimate map, it's for sharing a forger's creations in an accepting environment, and the majority of the community can't seem to get that.
definalty true! i agree with you 100%.. but only 1 thing its just that most of his maps ( no offense) are not competitive really ( well i think that and think other people think that too).. u know wut i mean ? I suggest u put it into caual maps! Peace!
Competitive maps, are maps that support most, if not all game types. Casual maps only support one or two, and have a more laid back style of gameplay.