Looka really great. I love all the structures, but there is a lot of negative space. I'd have to see how it played, but it looks pretty nice. 4/5.
thanx its good to hear a semi goodcomment liek that from a ecent forger and i perposly made it with a few open spotsto give you the feel of something other than cluttered foundry.
Blaze, sorry it took so long for me to get back here, but thought I'd let you know that I did a forge-through on curbstomp and was really impressed. As you probably know, Im a sucker for nice asymmetrical layouts, and yours has a unique one. Its feels a bit like Chill Out mixed with some original stuff, and better for team play. Well done, hopefully I'll be able to get some actual games here soon.
its totally fine. thanx for taking the time to dothis is very apriciated. i hope you enjoy this map when you get a game.. thank you agian.. look out for my next map. :-D
i love the towers. it looks like it could bring a vertical aspect of the map. is there a sniper or a Br up there? ill check it out. but i also really like the area that reminds me of landscape and water. looks like you made another great map! also when geomerging, do you use the Door method, or the old one? im awful at the old one. but when i use the door method, the box always seems crooked in the ground. and surrounding it with boxes for keeping it from escaping you, seems to get space consuming.Which do you do? P.S.-4.5/5 P.S.S-nice! P.S.S.S-paper or plastic?
oh BLAZE you always come through for for me to create such a wonderful map all the time... I see you have some great interlocking and those stairs under the bridges im geussing are like real life beams or something to hold up the bridges ( not that you actaully need them lol) Great little aesthetic touches! 8/10 ( now work for that 9/10 that you absulutly deserve!) Good Luck! Peace!
Looks to have some real good interlocking from the pics. I really like the tall towers, and the stairs to form the bridge. I'll D/L
I Love this map, but one thing that i think would make it better (its really small) but the camo spawn box, flip it over, it will look so much nicer Also, an outstanding map, your forgeing techniques are very advanced, 6/5
wow... what an excellent map you have there... it combines good look with great structure. definately one of the better maps i've seen in a while
wow that is amazing, the tower in the middle is pure awesomesauce! oh yeah, the name made me chuckle. edit:this should be in a TGIF!
Very open and very awesome, I don't understand how you can make so much of the allowed items, i always get half way then run out.
thank you and i could have sunk it that way but its my way of doing it and its not perfect for a reason.. its kinda like if you wanna say a trademark almost how i make some things look like ruins