Narrows Tower A map where there are 4 floating towers that each have their stategic advantages. There is one that is floating in the air between the mancannons, so becareful and read the summary before trying to land on it. The rest is simple on the map. Desinged for turret warfare. Teleporters are behind the bases. Edited for Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF, Teritories, and King of the hill. Narrows Tower Pictures: Narrows Tower 1, Narrows Tower 2, Narrows Tower 3, Narrows Tower 4.
the platform are easy to knock over and you die pretty much when u go through the teleporter from poeple already on turrets. you really cant play anything but slayer on this map 2/5
this is only slightly better try and play your maps are they fun on both sides so many maps are fun from only one side try reading this
lol once again these towers wentout a while ago. nothing special about them their old try creating something new. .5/5