TelaGuardian A map similar to TelaConstruct. Teleporters can be your saving grace or your worst enemy here. Equiped with near continuos loops and floating turrets. A map perfect for infection or slayer. Edited for Team Slayer, Slayer, Infection, CTF, Teritories, and King of the Hill. TelaGuardian Pictures: TelaGuardian 1, TelaGuardian 2, TelaGuardian 3, TelaGuardian 4, TelaGuardian 5.
No way would I ever consider this as a competetive map. Again very unimpressive. Please give us more info on your maps. This just looks like random objects scattered with absolutely no tactical thoughts. 3/10
i think you should look at other poeple's maps before posting anymore cause these maps u just posted stink. you need more thought instaed of placing objects anywhere you want.
omg, congratiolations you have just wasted the new community map row. Great job for giving me these free posts, but get freaking foundry and start using the little brain up there.
there a way to many foundry maps as it is i am so bored with the green and brown colour scheme good maps can be made on any level and they dont have to have i locking again your map is not great and i wouldnt post all of them in one go please read my other comments
i have just noticed that all your maps are in competive PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING they do not belong there and again please dont post them seperately if they are all yours and all very similar make a map pack then maybe people will help you more
This could be a decent casual map but like everyone said already it doesn't belong in competitive. This seem sconfusing as well and needs more explanation. Okay teeporters can save or kill you so im guessins they are all on the same channel and you move randomly. This coud be good but on the pictures it seems like your more likely to die which could get annoying. How do you get in the floating turrets? -Overall: move this to casual. make a better description
nice to a non dlc map,looks quite good if u love gaurdiam im sure u would lov this map, doesnt seem to original but i know its goin to b fun good job
I'm happy to see a map out of foundry, but this map isn't that inventive or creative. It seems like minimal thought was put into it. Keep at it, everyone has a lucky break once in awhile. I know I did!
What? Someone posted a map? And I haven't said anything about it?Oh ho ho ho! This will be fun... Lets see where to start, hmmm.... well, first off, let me put it this way, forging on guardian sucks in my opinion. Second, the sheer ammount of explosives laying around already disqualify this a competitive map, there would be no skill, just people chucking random grenades at explosive barrels while the enemy walks by. Third, the ammount of lag caused by the explosives would be terrible and unbearable, people who wanted to play this competitively would leave before it started. Finally, most of the turrets are just floating in random places, some of which seem unreachable in a normal game. Also, in my personal opinion, any map that has more the one turret, is the pinnacle of suck. But, there are exceptions. I do, however have some good things to say about this map, so maybe not all hope is lost. Lets get started shall we? 1) The map is non-DLC which as some people have already said, is a nice change of scenery. 2) The map seems like it could be great, if you got rid of the mountain of suck that is the huge ammount of fusion coils and a few turrets. 3) The map shows that you know some basic knowledge of forge, unlike most of our newer members which is a good thing. 4) You didn't make an infection map! 5) Your post is up to standards which is rare for any member below "Member" status. I do hope to see more maps from you, hopefully ones that are a few notches up the quality ladder, until then, I bid you farewell. With Love, ~The Cheat~
Keep this up and someone is going to report you for spamming and abuse... ...if they haven't already.
Not exactly a competitive map. Near continuous doesn't sound nearly as sexy as actual continuous loop. That said, I've been looking for some interesting infection maps to store, and I'll give yours a try.
these tela-maps are underwhelming 1 - not competitive 2 - look thrown together 3 - seem unbalanced I'm not trying to be mean but I see little value in playing this map, at least put it in casual maps. I could only imagine that it'd be fun for infection where the uninfected could use turrets... or something. I dont know...