VehiValhala A map designed for vehicle warfare. Made for mainly air battles. But there are also ground vehicles too. Teleporters on the map are made for quick escapes and sniping. Dont forget to look around each base for teleporters. Edited for Slayer and Team Slayer. VehiValhala Pictures: VehiValhala 1, VehiValhala 2, VehiValhala 3, VehiValhala 4.
I'm assuming that you havent tested any of your maps. They dont look great for gameplay. I'm also guessing that you havent altered the respawns on the items so a hornet with a 30 respawn is what I'd expect to see. Unfortuneately I give this 4/10
your map is not good try adding more thing radio antennas as sniping platform different more varied weapons and equipment i built a map on valhalla its not got the best selection but there is some good stuff try block off areas so you cant drive through them read forging 101 for tips or look at some of the other maps out there
doesn't look good but being on the older maps, what is there really to do? I'm not going to even rate it but I would advise that you post a map thats original and your very proud of
You've never experienced the joy of sniping someone out of a Banshee? Or that guy in the Warthog's turret? You haven't experienced the best part of multiplayer then, friend.