4 Corners v1 is a map best suited for slayer and team slayer game variants. v2, if people like v1, will be set up for all gametypes. The map is set up so each base has a power weapon and are small enough to be protected by teams of two. There is a sniper tower, a sword base, a two-floored house with rocket launcher, and a spartan laser/machine gun turret pillbox. Each base also has it's own unique equipment. You can There are explosive objects and cover spread throughout the map, but your best bet is to hold a base. The middle is a cross-shaped wall with an overshield sitting atop it that can be grabbed by jumping. Best works for 4-12 players. This is only my second map created in forge so I hope you enjoy! Map Available For Download Here: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=16573559 Atop rocket base Turret/Laser base Map overview from sword base View of lower level rocket base(Spool Room) Sniper base overview Sword base from behind sniper base Sword base front
Good post, one question though... Have you actually played this map with people? Like tested it out yet? I see the pictures don't have anyone playing it or anything.
I was just wondering does all teams start with power weapons? Some times doing this the game play is unbalanced and can make for a bad map. Your map doesn't look sloppy but I agree with Cr0ok3d that it would be nice to see some action. PS way to get your first post right the first time.
First, teams don't start with power weapons because the spawn points are scattered throughout the map so you have to work to move towards a base and control it. Secondly, I've played it 1v1 but i have yet to test it with a large amount of people. This is really my first attempt at getting a Forged map out there for people to see but I've been having a problem testing it because all of my friends have switched from Halo over to Call of Duty 4. If anyone would like to help me test it send me a F/R and I'll get a party going next time. Thanks for the comments guys I appreciate the ideas.
The first thing I see when I look at this is its way to open up. I'm sure you have some more money to spend so add some scenary or other structures so that most combat dosen't take place in open areas. Good post though.
I kinda like the limited cover, it makes it worth your while to hold a base.. but also means people will camp said bases and not venture out. Imagine this situation: A team is up by 5 kills, they all retreat to sword base, and camp. Game over? Do people spawn anywhere other than around the four bases? If they don't, perhaps a few more battle rifles or carbines at each (I appreciate you have a carbine at rocket to balance it being a weaker base, maybe make that spawn faster or just have more at that base than others). This would enable people to traverse the space between the bases better as they can defend themselves from attack, especially against the sniper which is very strong here. If you did this you could save money by not having to put down too much cover, or any for that matter, whilst achieving a slightly easier passage between bases. One thing you might want to consider changing in this fix is the increased strength of the power drainer at sword base paired with headshot weapons.. keep it and remove the shield door at sword spawn, or replace it with a flare (for crossing the map with sword?)/deployable cover + as many BRs or carbines as rocket base. Those are my thoughts, see what you think of 'em.
Thanks for the constructive criticism that's what i was hoping to get! What I was going for with the bases is to make them pretty uncampable yet still defendable. The sword base is wide open and even the room below the rocket launcher spawn has three different points of entry (one being a fence wall that can be shot through). I think if a team were to attempt a camp in any base, including sword, they would find it quite difficult to do even with all the power weapons. There are too many points of attack and you really have to use teamwork to hold a base. I'm going to remove power drain and replace it with something else at sword base (Flare possibly?). I wanted a sort of no man's land in the middle so it's more of a thrill to go for overshield and if you do grab it it'll be worth your while. Each base, except for sniper, is equipped with equipment, grenades, and a BR and Carbine. Sniper has grav lift and limited long range weapons to compensate for the sniper tower. You spawn all over the map and not just near bases so the beginning is more of a mad dash to get to your spot. I've been having trouble with a spawn outside the map and it seems that everytime you start a game on the map, at least one person starts outside the barrier. There is no spawn point out there, so I'm not sure why it's happening. That will also be a change made. Thanks for the comments guys I appreciate it.
Aha, I see. Well if you have long range weapons about that could work out. Didn't see them from the screens. It sounds like you have the bungie default starting spawns in, go into the specific gametypes and delete them to fix it. Flare sounds good. How does the overshield fare? Have you considered a custom 3x overshield instead of the default 2x?
The overshield is regular but I might change it later. I haven't really had a chance to get this map some extensive testing but it'll be a lot smoother in the following versions. I think i have a pretty solid idea here so i'm gonna spend a lot of time gettin this map to run right.
The one problem with custom powerups is that you then have to have a custom gametype which you may not want, so bear that in mind. Sounds like you're on your way to making this map play well. Good luck!
it seems a bit to open, and i can see a 4v4 slayer going to whoever gets the early lead and holding out at one of the bases. also would you mind posting a pic it in forge to get a view of the spawn points...i feel spawn points make or break a map
Yeah I'll throw one up there in a bit. Please read my post above shadow and if you do play it and find that it is very easy to camp out in a base, send me a message and i'll see what i can do to fix it.