So I'm trying to figure out what to do on my new map. There's a sniper perch that faces outwards (>) in my map, and is elevated. the only way to get to it is one of two ways... [Apologies for crude diagrams] A (sniper perch) ___ B ________ first option is a simple ledge. You would hop on this, then turn around and hop to point A. A (sniper perch) ___ (Ledge) ___ B ________ The other option is a grav-lift/mancannon lift. The only problem would be that when it sends you to the perch, you are facing the wrong direction. A (sniper perch) ___ (g. lift) ,, B x_______ I'm really torn as to what I should do. My map is not complete enough to test it out and see which option works better, so I come to you, my fellow forgers, seeking advice. What option do you think would work better? Ledge or Lift? If you have had success with one way or the other, could you perhaps share with me what you did? Thanks!
I would try and use a switch to create a lift up. It would be much more difficult but would add some interest to your map. Other than that I would use the ledge as I don't like the looks of a grav lift/man cannon up.