I couldn't finish watching 'earthlings' it was so boring I got the message after two thirds of the video 'humans suck were assholes that mistreat animals than in some cases eat them'. Only thing that actually pissed me off was the guys throwing a dog in the garbage truck than using the compacter to crush it. Flame me as you wish I still feel fine eating meat even after taking the 'red pill'.
OMG, buy a hat, and hold the **** onto it. 1. Do you know what PETA is an acronym's for? Or what they do? 2. You have NO moral delima in ruthlessly murdering a totally innocent animal? 3. You have a problem with people teaching other people about things that ARE happening via film? 4. By "taking" the red pill, I presume you mean you watched the videos, in which I must wonder, what the **** is wrong with you? I never have met a person who was not emotionally altered after seeing that. 5. In regards to your friend, she was probably vegetarian to grab attention and or because the stupid ***** thought it was a diet.
I'd say something like "my body is not a graveyard" but I'd rather keep my family jewels. If you like bacon, go ahead, eat dead big fat. Did you even watch the video's?
Now that you mention it, I remember having a veggie burger once, and it wasn't bad. It wasn't meat... but it wasn't bad. You may want to learn how to use "your" and "you're" correctly before you do that much flaming. Besides, we're trying to have a civilized discussion here. There is no need to go off the deep end like that. Predicide, not to hijack your thread, but have you heard about scientist's attempts to create artificial meat? I don't know all the specifics, but they are working out the kinks as far as flavor, texture, cost, etc. Would you ever eat that, or would you consider it unnatural?
I had the sense not to click it. Although I have seen videos like it, (KCC) not an experiance i wish to repeat Heres a vidoe you all might like ;] (dun worry its clean) YouTube - Milk gone wild Thanks, and you would be surprised what can scar me. Ohh n btw.... MEAT FACE
I've got nothing against organizations that want to help animals out. I do, however, have something against organizations that try to compare something that they are fighting to the Holocaust. I also, have a big problem against radical groups who try and force the public into doing what that organization wants them to do. Lastly, I have something against organizations who choose the subject they are fighting for, to be more important than that of the human race.
People Eating Taslt Animals, yum. Id assume they eat tasty animals? What kind of question is that silly =]
Well personally I absolutely love meat, Sorry >.< My mum is vegan though, well shes on a vegan DIET, because she has this little thing called Multiple Schlerosis (MS), there was a study done and it found that people who live on the coast are alot less likely to get MS than people living further inland as the people on the coast eat alot less dairy products. people on the coast tend to eat more fish, less milk, less meat (Dairy/meat products contain more saturated fats which are linked to MS) People inland are usually involved in dairy farms etc so yeah
"Agricultural technology has reached the point to where the entire population of the planet can be supported." No way. That would not last at all. We still have starvation amongst millions of people with livstock around. If we tried to support the whole world on agriculture, we would be totally screwed. Think about this... 1)The soil will only provide a good harvest for a certain number of seasons. 2)Some of the crops will spoil, maybe even whole harvests due to a certain infestation or disease. Crops are wayyyy more susceptible to harm and are harder to salvage than an animal. 3)Transportation for the goods could ultimately fail too and whole loads could be lost. I realize this could apply to animals, but if we only had crops, we would have nothing to fall back on if this happened. 4)Try getting loads of crops to entire populations in areas where they have no land to grow their own food thousands of times a year. 5)The economy would most likely completely phail. The loss of livestock would cause a chain reaction of phailness between industries because of their dependency on livestock and their dependency on each other. 6)Smuggling livestock and selling it illegally would also be prevalent. Yep, we'd have a whole syndicate on dealing burgers and bacon. This would cost us more of our law enforcement resources and money and time. Something we can't afford at this stage of our existence. I could probably think of a lot more reasons why we could not support the world on agriculture, but I'm too effin tired. Ultimately... The world would get a WHOLE lot worse if we didn't make use of livestock. Judging by the current incompetence of the human race, this loss would help lead us down the slippery slope to self-purge. I did watch those videos by the way. It's terrible what's done to the animals, and I agree that it could be done in a MUCH more humane way. Then again it would take more time and resources to do so.... Whatever, I need a burger.
Im not huge on meat. I mean, some chicken or a hot dog here or there. Nothing major. PASTA FTW! It is definetely possible to live without meat though. Especially today, what with all the protein supplements and what-not. About the idea that we were meant to be herbivores: It sounds all right, but two things have to be factored in: protein and incisors. Where did we get our incisors (front teath), the ones made for ripping and chewing meat? Of course, the teeth couldve changed (oops, wrong thread) over time with humans needing protein, but still. At any rate, either way is fine in modern society. Back in caveman times, it was a differnent story. Meat or die! literally. I wont watch that video becaue of what titmar said about the milk, but i know for a fact that the processes that meat goes through and such are....uhh, refer to video.
Everyone on this site could get along with hippys one way or another. I'm not going to say why. I'll get permabanned. I'm off to eat a burger, probably a steak later. MEAAT!!!
Well, of course people are like "That's stupid. Those were people and those are animals." But seriously, it is pretty sick how we can treat another living thing. I don't care if they have fur, or can't talk, or anything like that. Just because we're humans and the "dominant" race, we have no right to do that