Visualization of Dead Rising the game. Trapped in shopping mall, Four stores do what it takes to survive. Pictures: ----------------------=------------------------------------=--- ----------------------=------------------------------------=--- Download: Download Map Download: Download Gametype The download may look broken it isn't. Just click it then click download I was right about the broken links. I fixed them all
Hm, your pictures dont appear to be working. Dont worry, someone will post something that tells you how to fix it. THe map sounds fun otherwise, but you won't get many downloads unless you fix your issue
download your pics from bungie ny clicking on them then upload to photobucket or another hosting site then paste the img tags in your post use the preview button to check they work its dead easy
When I saw your pictures wern't working I followed your link but was dissapointed to find no information or pictures there either. please fix this as your idea seems good. I'm sure this is on foundry and hope that you took the trouble to make the mall actually look like one. If this is not the case then please put more effort into your map. If you don't people will merely bypass this map. There is now a greater need for authenticity in maps and forgers need to put in extra work to be recognized
Ok here's how you fix those pics: 1) Go to and view your screenshots 2) Open each one individually so you're viewing it in a larger Screenshot Window (just click on the thumbnail of your screenshot to open up a larger version) and save the larger screenshot to your desktop 3) Repet for all screenshots 4) Create an account on Photobucket or Imageshack (I have Photobucket so my guide will relate to Photobucket) 5) After making an account, create an album to store the pics in, I don't think you have to do this but this helps if you make multiple makes for organization 6) In the upload images box add all the pics on your desktop and click upload 7) Skip the "Tag Images" part (it does nothing worth while) 8) Now you should see all you pics at about thumbnail size give or take a couple pixels; under each image is like 3 or 4 bars copy the link on the bottom bar (the IMG Code Bar) and paster that link into your post and voila! nice embedded pics Hope this helps. PM me if you have any questions.
IT was working for the short of while. I guess maybe broken links. I know how to fix then though thanks anyways. But I would have been less sloppy if my friend hadn't deleted some objects. Before I saved Before I release it. I will fix it.
And also an easier way to do so is just converting links into instead of just making a tinypic or PhotoBucket account Uploading converting then putting on the site All you need to do is put the link down and put the link between [IMG][IMG] With the link of the picture. Just right click. Copy image location and paste
No offense but it doesn't look like you have interlocked any object at all and it looks a bit sloppy. But still funto play on.
So the update is released. I'm in the project of making a mini game, Similar to Mile's way easier. But fun. KILLER DUMPSTERS FOR ALL!
Hmm... doesn't seem like a lot of work put into this map, I'll try it but it doesn't look like there is any interlocking.
To be honest. I knew **** ALL about making maps. I'm very good with forge now. You'll like some of my new maps. I haven't been on TONS since my X-box broke, and the **** face UPS lost my X-box some how. My newest maps are Prophets Relic - and Hide/SeektownV4 (All credits to original makers)
This map looks horrible. Nothing looks strait.... and its completely open? I can't believe you would even post this map on forgehub. Its really not cool, maybe just make a version two that isn't terrible. Sorry. No DL.