Midevil Seige

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ellemennt75, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. ellemennt75

    ellemennt75 Ancient
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    Midevil Seige
    Created by Ellemennt75

    Supported Gametypes:
    Midevil CFL
    Map Description
    This is my first contribution to forgehub, so please don't tell me you suck horibly at making maps. (or spelling)
    The attackers start in the two rooms, on either side. They procede down the hallway and jump on the mongooses. (mongeese?) Then, the "Horseback" riders shoot down the ramp and procede to the "Castle." When they go up the stairs, they will pass the "catapault". (See below) They can either go two ways. 1. Just follow the double boxes and cross the bridge and your there. 2. Drop down onto the ground and follow the hallway and go through the double boxes. They then go through the grav lift and boom, you are there. Then, just carry the flag back to the first hallway.

    Overview of Midevil Seige



    Catapault in action 1

    Catapault in action 2

    Catapault in action 3
    Note: I didn't mention this earlier, but when you fire the catapault, it explodes a whole field of fusion coils, but you can only do it once. You were warned

    I haven't gotten to test this map out yet, so please send a PM if you would like to. Thanks for reading, and please reply. Both the map and the gametype are in my fileshare at Ellemennt75. Here is the link: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
  2. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Wow, this looks pretty good, and I see some good interlocking. My only problem is that the map looks kind of bare. Like, If someones out there, not only do they not have much cover but theres a lethal catapult that will pulverise the entire field. Also, nice job on the first post.

  3. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    not bad at all for a first post, but the catapult will turn that field into a walk-in don't walk-out kind of area, but other than that it's pretty cool
  4. freelancer404

    freelancer404 Ancient
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    Cool. How many times can the catapult fire?
  5. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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  6. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    it's ok for a first map but shouldn't there be another base for the other flag... then a gain it might be made for one flag and thats why it's called sieg... well good job for first map!
  7. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
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    really bare not manny objects on it but other than that it looks good nice interlocking but i know you have more money left so try to add some more so ya nice job
  8. CPV18

    CPV18 Ancient
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    Looks sweet. It might be too hard for the siegers to get to the castle.
  9. Kittycatwitcowboyhat

    Senior Member

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    it ok but i like the catapault
  10. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    I think that this is a decent map but needs work.

    -The castle could be remade to look more like a castle. Maybe make it a little larger and add a wall of barriers that switch off between regular and short.

    -The catapult is usually for the attackers but it works here pretty well. I suggest making several catapults that detonate specifi minefields and not the whole thing. That way there is a little more stratedgy to it.

    -It seems a little to easy for the attackers to get to the castle and once they have the flag they can just speed away on the mongoose. I'm not sure what weapons you have but maybe you should balance this. To stop mongooses just add tripmines and power drainers that could be thrown through the catapults to stop a flag capture
  11. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    exactly, pretty nice map though.
  12. ellemennt75

    ellemennt75 Ancient
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    I didn't think I'd get so much attention on my first post. Anyway, Matt, you can fire the catapault as many times as you want, but you can only blow up the field once. I may make an addition to the map where a nade spawns (you be the one to find it!;) so you can blow up the field that way so you have a better chance of not being pulvurised. It will be hidden, so if you are planning to download, wait until maybe an hour or two.

    If you have any ideas I could use as cover, and you don't mind me using them, I'd be very grateful! I think I've got somewhere around $200 i think left. As i mentioned earlier, i really wanna test this map out with some people and see if this gametype works well with the map. Please, send a PM if you'd like to see it in action, or send a friend request to Ellemennt75.

    Umm... one more thing. I just turned 13, so my voice may be a little squeeky at times, but most of the time, it's quite alright.


    P.S. If you can, please rate my map. It can only help!! :)
    #12 ellemennt75, Jun 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  13. ellemennt75

    ellemennt75 Ancient
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    I fixed some bugs and all. Plus I added a nade somewhere and if you throw it, it blows up the field of fusion coils. Hope this makes the map better. Commence dl...ing.
  14. ks7

    ks7 Ancient
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    It looks really bare, and the fortress isn't so much a fortress as it is a big pile of blocks. By the way, you misspelled medieval.
  15. HayabusaNinja

    HayabusaNinja Ancient
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    Pretty good for a first post. You could use doors for some cover. Like Matt said, it is a little bare.
  16. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    You should make a second base in the other corner so it is a little more balanced, then you could have the catapult blow up the other castle and kill the other team once, it could be used in strategic ways to capture the otherteams flag or plant a bomb.
  17. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    it needs a mout... moot... the water that surrounds a castle
  18. ellemennt75

    ellemennt75 Ancient
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    If you can think of a way to make a mout... moot... the water that surrounds a castle thing, could you pm me?

    BTW, i spelled Midevil wrong.... don't tell me again.

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