A public school teacher preached his Christian beliefs despite complaints by other teachers and administrators and used a device to burn the image of a cross on students' arms, according to a report by independent investigators. Mount Vernon Middle School teacher John Freshwater also taught creationism in his science class and was insubordinate in failing to remove a Bible and other religious materials from his classroom, the report said. School board members were scheduled to meet Friday afternoon to discuss the findings by consulting firm H.R. On Call Inc., hired by the district to investigate. The report was released Thursday. School Superintendent Stephen Short wouldn't comment on the report before Friday's meeting, his office said. A message seeking comment was left for Freshwater's attorney, Roger Weaver. The report comes one week after a family filed a federal lawsuit in Columbus against Freshwater and the school district, saying Freshwater burned a cross on their child's arm that remained for three or four weeks. Freshwater's friend Dave Daubenmire defended him. "With the exception of the cross-burning episode ... I believe John Freshwater is teaching the values of the parents in the Mount Vernon school district," he told The Columbus Dispatch in a story published Friday. + Reference + So family values equates to more torture in the name of Jesus?
By all means, keep a bible in the classroom. Teach Christianity, as long as it doesn't interfere with classwork. Preach Christianity, stop or be fired. Burn a cross on some kids' arms? That's unbelievable. He should be locked up. By teach Christianity, I mean if students have extra time or something in class, they can listen in to stuff like that, it teaches about another religion/way of life. It should be done in conjunction with lessons about other religions too, but if not, then it's okay, but people are gonna be pissed. I'm Atheist, but seriously, kids need to know differences in religion so they know what is and isn't offensive to certain people, and can respect others' beliefs and such. In my school we're not even allowed to talk about religion, it's retarded. It's kinda one sided too. My friend wears a cross and an "I <3 Jesus" shirt, and doesn't get in trouble. My other friend wore a satanic symbol and got a detention. (Satanism DOESN'T worship the devil, just so you know.) Only things that are REALLY allowed are things REQUIRED by your religion.
hey dark, the only thing is, teachers and people like that arent allowed to mention religion/talk about it they can say this or that every once in a while but since there are soo many cultures and religions they arent allowed to give their own opinoin, only stated facts
Religion is just something you wish to believe in to give you hope and guidance but I think you need to guide yourself not religion...this is just my own thought's..
*jaw drops open* this is taking religious psychosis( I think that's the word) to a new level seriously these are the kind of people that as an *no religion at all* makes me wonder just how many people it takes to do this crap before I start assuming all religious people are psychopaths. I try to be open minded but this is simply crazy and unusual at the same time.:squirrel_eyebrow: (at least i still have enough sanity to remember that most religious people don't do this stuff)
I'm never going to talk while the teacher is talking ever again! I don't want to end up like that poor kid.
I am a christian but, that a little too extreme. The Bible even says don't mark your body (such as tattoos or brands); so what would posses this guy, who to my understanding knows the Bible, to even think about doing that. Such a fool.
when uv think uv heard everything , than 1 day BAM, , how did he get into school with something that could burn into kids arms, poor kid
^^^ bwahahahaha! *sheds tear* Seriously though, that's beyond ridiculous. It's amazing what people will do or say to another human all under the auspices of a loving deity and spreading their word. Unless that word is "****", it makes little logical sense.
I strongly believe in keeping religion out of classrooms. I absolutely hate it when people try to force their religion on you. I have sort of a weird take on religion. However school is a place of learning. If you want to brush on religion, leave that to History class. So you can learn about the history of religion, not a teacher forcing their beliefs on his or her students.
a person's beliefs should never be forced on another person PERIOD and that does including burning crosses into peoples arms. I'm still in disbelief.