Well, this is my first posted map as well as my first post, so please be gentle. The basic layout of Blood fall is two bases, one with mainly human weapons, the other with mainly covenant weapons. The Covenant Base: This base is open, however this is not a disadvantage as cover is close and you have an Elevator! (Not my idea, saw it on a map, made this one myself) This side of the map contains 1 Beam Rifle, 2 Carbine's, 2 Needler's, 2 Plasma Rifle's, 2 BR's, 12 Plasma Grenades, 2 Plasma Cannons and 1 Sword. Don't worry, it's not an armory. The Human Base: The Human Base is large and is constructed above part of the map as well as ground level. Human base contains 1 Sniper, 1 Shotgun, 4 BR's, 2 SMG's and 4 Plasma 'nades as well as 1 Rocket Launcher. The Elevator The elevator isn't originally my idea, I saw it on an MLG map posted on here a long time ago. If the person who made it want's I'll link to it. Anyway, the idea of this elevator is to walk on the crate and throw the grav lift. The grav lift will go through the crate and push you up standing on the crate. A receiver node stops the box, but you go through. Viola! Stand Throw Snipe Now for some random pic's! Human base, left side Looks a bit like foundation Fear my pink sewing machine! So please, Download Bloodfall
very good for your first post, especially because you actually embedded images. good job! usually first posters have one sentences and a link to the bungie.net thread. anyway i really like the map you got going here, but it could definitely use some improvement. you could interlock those boxes going along the sides of foundry to give it a smoother walk. also i read your weapon layout. first thing i saw is waaay to many plasma grenades, put 4 on the map at MAX. 12 is just going to make it turn into a grenade spam map. also, i noticed you exceededd the good amount of power weapons for a map... 3-4. you have 5. but idk if it will have a major effect on the map because i havent played it... so if you haven't already, you should definitely play a couple of games on the map to check for spawn issues, and any gameplay flaws. glad to have you at Forge Hub and i hope your here to stay! im looking forward to some more maps by you!
Thanks for taking so much time to critic! I usually shy away from so many power weapons, but with the openness of the map the shotgun and sword lose some of their power. I'd say in most situations I'd rather have a BR or SMG Instead of a sword. I forgot to mention this is set up for most gametypes. Especially CTF and Slayer.
Great first post btw. This map looks pretty decent. Kind of bare, almost. I see that you interlocked in a few places, but I think you could've done a bit more. Also, I love the elevator. Even though it isnt original, I think you executed it really well, and personnally I think its badass. Nice Job MattDGiant
preatty good for your first post but the map seems a little blank you need to mabey interlock some more and mabey switch some weapons up but other than that nice job it looks good i like it
Thanks for viewing! Yeah, I have a problem with making my maps bare, I just can't seem to make it feel right. I also only interlocked in places I felt really needed it, the double boxes on the sides are pretty smooth to walk on, but I just noticed you can throw a 'nade down the side. Hope my next map kicks more ass. lol
I like it. It's a little off balance in geometry but really good. Though I expected a little more BLOOD! j/k, it's great. 4/5
great first post! By looking at the pictures I can see it has a simple and playable feel to it. the bases look good though the human base looks a little too easy to defend. It's hard to determine where the weapons are hough and if they are balanced. The elevator is a good idea and I am not sure if you made one like this rather than one with a swich on purpose or if you don't know the elevator switch. Advice: -tone down the number of grenades a little but not much. 4 seems a little low but 8 is probably the max. -Interlock the boxes a bit to make it smoother -post a drawing of your map that has a layout overview and weapon placements -check out the aesthetic maps to find things to add to future maps. A switch elevator for example and various aesthetic touches Welcome to ForgeHub!
looks very clean but the thing is i can't see any cover in the open field & i think this map could use more weapons on the map.
nice map, very original. but i think you should have blocked of the bases becuase its an easy camp spot. also there couldbe a little more cover on the ground. But it does look pretty good, ill try it out
I don't really have anything to say about the map, its average, but LMAO, pink sewing machine, pew pew!