grats for not making it on a DLC map, but to tell you the truth, Epitaph is invredibly annoying. it doesn't look bad at all, but I think you could have chosen a better map.
well, i hate epitaph so i made it my goal to make a good one (and this is also my first map posted on any forging forum) and ive played it a couple times and i think its great.
What is different from the other version (version 6, first post on a forging forum)? Yes, glad it is not a DLC map.
um what is this exactly? its just 2 boxes put in then a hill not really that awsome its just a map with some boxes
the v6 is just saying i would like it to be one of the v6 MLG maps but thats a bit of a stretch. however, it is set up like any other true MLG map so its possible.
Epitaph is the ultimate map for noob kills because there are soooooo many camping spots and JUMP DOWN ONTOP OF YOUR HEAD spots. So I wasn't going to download the second I saw it was on Epitaph. But, you should still put the link to your map in the description. You can click the edit button by the bottom of the post to do this. Also I'm pretty sure only the official MLG league can really claim a map that isn't forged from scratch like on foundry an MLG map.
MLG hates shield doors. You should try to overload the map (something involving lots of trip mines?) to disable them, it would make it a lot better.
what did you do i mean you show a shot where the rocket launcher is but there is already one there so ya nice job
if some one on this forum knows how to remove shield doors from maps( i know some one has done it on snowbound) epitaph might be a pretty good map, but shield doors just make the experience of epitaph terrible
i know about the shield doors. i was going to get someone to glitch the map (without tripmines) but he never did. and you should DL it, there arnt any caming spots and jump on your head spots are in any map with multipul levels
I tried making my own variant here as well. its called Shrine, but its not up to MLG Rocket / Mauler standards =P. Good try but I hate the noobish weapons. BR's and Snipers FTW.
you didnt get rid of the shield doors... you should of did that. theres awaywithout modding that you can get it to stay like that even after saving andi think that you should then post a new version..
I know how to get rid of the shield doors permanently if you want i could help you with that.... only problem is it gets rid of the lifts to, but let me know if you want my help