TheRagingBeast and I are proud to present two new maze maps. These maps are not for the people who can not think outside of the box, and provide hours of fun to those who enjoy puzzles. If you are a fan of heavily interlocked or geoglitched works, well sorry these aren't. But once you are in the game you probably won't care becuase these will stretch your brain to its limits... we hope. Firstly, Map Title: The Beastly Maze by Wcdd7, TheRagingBeast, and IamBeastly Download Map Download Gametype Description: This maze will leave you scratching your head in frustration for hours. It contains dozens of traps, areas and things that will send you up the wall. WATCH OUT FOR THE PIT OF DOOM. The fastest time (with generous hints) right now is half an hour. I will be glad to keep records of the times, but please do not post videos of your times here, but rather upload them into your fileshares and I will check. Record: jdswimmer - 35:28 Second, Map Title:The Vault Can you rob the bank????? Credit: wcdd7 (Idea and most of creation) and TheRagingBeast (A trap that will bring you down haha) Download Map Download Gametype Description: A bank vault guarded by three vault doors. Can you get them open and then back around in time to get to the ball?? This is an all new type of maze, the ball is hidden right in front of you, but you have to do things to open up the doors (dumpsters) to get to it. Enjoy... This map has been a hit on MLGPRO so far, and is by far the better of the two. EDIT: I have now updated the maps so that you cannot grenade jump over to get to the next area. (Nice try Sidek ) There is actually a way to do it without grenade jumping. Record: SideK: 1:45 And since I am posting... Enjoy the Devil Guys, as a closing, Thank you for taking a look and I hope you enjoy these.
thank you... any feedback would be great... the beast and i are looking to make more/longer ones in the future and would like to know what you like best.
the map looks good but did you get permission to get the picture of the lab hog? you could get in trouble if you didnt
I'm not claiming credit, and one of my friends says that they helped to make it. Is it really going to matter in the long run...?
The idea is great 5/5 on that the interlocking and smoothness again is 5/5 but the way you made the obstacles sorry ubt theres no teleporters in a bank lol 4/5
longer? lol that first ones record is 35 minutes or so, but i bet it hasent been done that many times nice maps, i like the vault
very nice it tool me a while to figure it out but i.. eventually got it. took me a while i guess im not so good at puzzles lol
Thank you for all the props. I am going to start working on a longer one in the near future and probably use the budget glitch to make better use of everything.
whoo sexy map!! yeah lab hog was my pic, he can post it. also wcdd, i have new maze idea.... . btw you didnt have to give me credit with the vault, i made one trap the whole time.
In TheBeastlyMaze I got to the part where there is a camo pickup holding the fusion coils back from getting launched by the grav lift. after that last pic in tht tunnel. Is that the end? I got here in like 12 mins EDIT: I pasted tht and i got tht grav lift behind the shield door. Is that the end? if so I finished in around 6 mins. Video says 8 minutes 19 seconds but I went into that building and did it all again making it around 6 minutes.