EDITED OUT FOR PIRACY I did watch the high quality version, and I will bump it up to 6/10. It's a fairly decent montage.
I play a lot of social/ am working on a montage myself, i'd love to play wiht you sometime. Gt: bnasty574 nice stuff.
By the way... Did you join forgehub just to advertise this montage? Like all your comments are in this thread lol
Thank you for reconsidering sir. :] Ah nice. Allright then. I'll add you up on my alt account, i mostly play social on him. Yes and no. I originally joined awhile back to submit a few maps, but i never got around to it. I'm eventually going to submit a map me and my friends made, but for the purposes for now it was only to promote the tage.
It was pretty awesome. Montages make people look like mega pros because they put all of their best in it. But everybody makes mistakes. *not an insult* 4/5
You are the GODLIEST no-scoper i have ever seen. I mean holy ****, ive never seen somebody that good.... and the montage is exceptional...
nice... the lift stick on Construct reminded me of the time i threw 2 plasma's and got 2 stick kills of each xD
Is it just me or did it seem like some of those were set up, however, you are very good at no scopes, those were very impressive
Nah, most of it is ranked and social. There is like two that is a custom game. But thanks compliment.
So, I'm just curious Nzxer...did you come to forgehub simply to promote your videos? I mean...it's not necessarily a bad thing...However, 9 our your 10 posts are in here...I think there was another thread made by you, a video, which would be your 10th post... So that leads me to believe the original question... Meh...great videos, just this isn't a site about videos, those are kind of a little extra =] Personally, I don't want more n more people showing up just to show their montages...there are other sites for that (as you know with your other video being at h3montage)
Incorrect sir. I've been registered here for quite some time. Downloaded a few maps, just until now i've had a reason to post something.
K, I just had to verify...I do see how long you've been a member, about 6 weeks, glad to see you partake in the map part of forgehub (...the biggest part...). I just hope you don't think I was trying to point a finger at you saying you're some sort of disgrace to the community =/
Wow...Allright??? Thanks dickweed... P.S. This was for this comment: -_- Oh, and sorry for the wall of white...simple crop/save...didn't take a lot of time to do that...
This wasn't directed at you, unless you were the one to give me that negative rep... Sorry for not specifying =/