Bungie recently said that it would be cool if the Campaign Kill count reached 7 Billion before 7/7. Which is an average of 17.5 millions kills a day. Obviously, if we reach this goal, We'll see some sort of appreciation from Bungie. So start up your campaigns. Source:Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : News
There's a big thing about it at bungie.net Basically to hit 7bil, there would need to be 17.5m kills a day until July 7th.Can it be done?
I hope Bungie releases details on a furture project on Bungie Day... or take over the world. Wars could be solved over Assault on Narrows!
Bungie updated the progress with some tips from an HBO forum. An HBO forum user offered some suggestions on the most efficient way to rack up tons of Campaign kills. Yesterday, I pointed at SirKillalot33's thread on getting the Campaign counter on Bungie.net to 7,000,000,000 kills in time for next month's Bungie Day (July 7). The thread has grown considerably and more folks seem to be trying to pump up the kill count. Over at HBO, ACEfanatic02 put together a short list of some strategies for racking up as many kills as possible in a short period of time. Here's what he had to offer: "Best levels for efficient kills (high kills/minute of play): - Crow's Nest - The Storm - Floodgate - Cortana First two are quick action, with only brief lulls in the fighting. Most importantly, they're not vehicle-heavy. Cortana and Floodgate are endless fighting -- very few times when you're not killing something. Tsavo Highway, The Ark, and The Covenant are inefficient -- only 250-300 kills to be had for an hour-long level. (That's ~5 kills/minute.) Few notes on vehicles: - Passenger/turret kills count towards your total as long as you're in the vehicle. (BTW, for score runs, give your passenger a BR -- he'll give you headshot medals with it.) - Vehicle kills only count if they're occupied -- in other words, aim to kill the vehicle first, not the occupants. - Kill everything aboard a Scarab before you blow it. Sometimes a Grunt or two will somehow survive the blast. Finally, Heroic seems to be the sweet spot for difficulty. Plenty of enemy spawns, but not so many you get overwhelmed. Happy hunting. -ACE"
If every member of forgehub killed 200 covenant per day, (about 15 minutes work) we'd be contributing 3,321,800 kills total per day. We need just over 18,000,000 total per day from the whole bungie community. Anyway, I'm going to go contribute some kills right now.
I have been all day also thanks for not killing this thread because its kind of spam I got 1000 kills today
What level do you run? I'm doing Rally Point Alpha on Crow's Nest, Easy, w/ Catch, Cowbell and Grunt Birthday Party on.
wanna run some with me? and the setup you listed is probably the best also put on IWOBYD for fun to hear extra comments also the current amount of kills today is mostly auzzie kills lol becuase our day is now over
My disc is kinda screwed. It doesnt let me play on Guardian or certain levels of campaign. What do catch and cowbell do again, I forget?
Catch makes them throw more nades, and cowbell increases explosion damage. I think solo is more efficient for kills by quite a way...
You don't get an increase in enemies on co-op, so as long as you are killing them rapidly on solo it's faster that way
Just found out that kills count even if you die and game restarts but won't show on your stats only daily kill count