MLG HatBox a small symetrical map with two floors, tight BRing and a death pit with no explosions and no lag Download Map A good team based or FFA slayer map, however gamtypes are not set up and probably wont work because the map's too small. It also doesnt have enough start points for a proper FFA match so... your initial spawns will be poor with more than 2 player or 2 teams. BRs are highly recomended and i MLG setting to be used purely at your discression (whatever you want). The only wepons or anything on the map is one sniper on a drop spawn in the center of the map. EDIT: Thxs for feedback all...well all who were constructive. Yh i duno why i called it MLG i didnt know what to call it and it figuered it was a good map to practise headshots and well... Its also my first proper-ish map and although the spawns arent geat they work ok for 1v1 and anything less than 4 people. The idea is very little cover to incourage moving, using the cener bringe to block your line of site and BRing. Ill also add some more teliporter, at the mo it works about 90% of the time and the rest its an easy kill but... Created by BlackCossack, any feedback plz let me know. (this is my first map on forgehub and my first proper-ish interlocked map)
Alright, I'll be the first and hopefully last to say this. Why is this MLG, give me a good reason, and I won't care.
cuz its a small map with next to no cover, open spawns and no power wepons excpt one snipper on a drop spawn. Its bascily noithing but BRing
Cool map, but why arn't there enough spawn points? Did you not place enough? Also, why no weapons besides the sniper?
you dont understand this map is SMALL. Its meant to be like a place to practisr BRing with a few ppl. There rly is no space for any other wepons or spawn points rly.
No place for spawn points? Isn't that like a major flaw? If it works for 1v1 or 2v2 thats fine, but your post gave me the impression that spawning was an issue. Also, is that a death pit at the bottom?
ya im with jester on this wut up with the pit ??... i suggest u redesign that to make it look more scary or more professional Good looking map though and im not givin much critism becasue i dont even know wut MLG is exactly and i dont care!( i know its a different gametype or somethin and u use brs only or sumthin, but wut evr... nice lookin map!) Good Luck on any Future maps! Peace!!!
What's the point of the death pit? Wouldn't it be more practical to have some type of terrain (rugged or smooth doesn't matter) down there? I mean there's a lot of room down there, be creative
Um, this looks like it would play better as a 1v1 map, due to it's small size. It also looks very open, which leaves many players open for spawnkilling. Still, I do see some nice Interlocks, so props to you for that. Also, the deathpit looks like it isn't very efficient. You don't have enough teleporters, and even though there are mancannons it still looks like you can hop down there and still stay alive. -MattDGiant
if ur map is small open spawns wont be the best idea. from the looks of ur map people are going to get spawn killed like crazy and a sniper on an open man with no cover was not a good idea. On the plus the map looks good. the interlocking was done well. I like how u didn't put fusion cool death pit. They make games lag so much
I admit it's different from all the other mlg maps, but I really don't like the close space of it and it being MLG. Though it's very neat, it'll only be fun with shotguns or rockets. 3/5
definetly needs more spawn points. and teleporters at the bottom. but also it looks to me like a 1v1 map or 2v2 maybe. Good luck next time or on the remake
MLG = 4v4 1v1 does not qualify as MLG. Your map looks kind of messy. The outline of the map looks to be decent, but lacking originality and that aesthetic flare most other maps are now incorporating.
looks alright, but to be MLG, there has to be certain standards. This doesnt look MLG, but if you tell me otherwise, I'll leave you alone about it. The death-pit is an interesting, but it doesn't look like it will kill every time. Other than that, it doesn't look that bad.
Looks better for.......... 1v1 or maybe 2v2.Team doubles is probably the best for this map. Quite small and quaint. These are final and only thoughts.
This map is very bumpy all over, and when you said small you meant small and the spawns wouldnt really work good at all. you have shield doors on those fence walls and spawn points right behind them. By the looks of what I saw when I was in forge on it looking around this would not be the greatest mlg map. The sniper should be replaced with a mauler or two sticky grenades because with such a small map you are asking for luck and spawn killing.
I'm sorry but this barely looks playable. It's a circle with no cover. And if you consider this MLG there is something seriously wrong with you, or you don't actually own any halo games. It's like saying that coagulation is the best map for 1v1.