Port Town DOWNLOAD!! Port town is a casual map built for FFA and Team slayer variants this map includes 2 close quarter house bases and one big base at back facing the houses this map is great when you want to have a friendly team slayer game with your friends. 2-12 players Weapon List (2) sniper rifles (1) rocket launcher (1) shotgun (1) bubble sheild (1) flare (2) maulers (5) battle rifles (4) assault rifles (2) needlers (4) magnums (2) plasma pistols (2) plasma rifles (8) plasma nades (6) frag nades Front houses Inside Front houses Back Base Inside back Base
Wow, this looks great, and I see a lot of great interlocking in here. Nice job. I love the roof thing with the barriers.
I remeber when you were makign this... It was great and then we did that team slayer match on it.. i woudl have to say it was a ton a fun!! I enjoy maps like this alot and you exacuted it very will great job!
Looks good though i dont see a port. Maybe rename it as something else or add some port scenery. Good job on everything else though. 9/10
I really would like to try zombies on this map. It kind of looks like a part of the mall in dead rising.
this is a really nice looking map, but like others said, it's a bit open in the middle. BTW, did you get the name Port town from the nintendo game, F-zero?