personaly i love starwars and star wars maps really can't show what starwars is like, thats why there are starwars video games. no disrespect to the creators of those maps because starwars maps are extremly hard to make and i respect you trying. the only good starwars map i've found is star destroyer. basically one team starts in a star destroyer, which is the most beautiful asthetic object i have ever seen on forgehub, and try to repel the rebels who are in hornets and banshees. that map can be found on forgehub, just look for it, its great. i'd like to your opinions or any other good PLAYABLE!!! star wars maps you've found
I don't know if this makes sense as a post, but I see what you mean. I love Star Wars also, and I wish there would be more Star Wars maps that weren't just aesthetics. Those make for good screenshots, but not maps.
why did you make 2 threads of this? there already is one? Could this be considered... duh nuh nuh, spam? Please do not do this again.