Prologue: This is my first Avalanche race map so once again, don't discriminate lol. I had some help on this one from Riv Roy009 and xXAppleSkaterXx. They were very helpful in the beginning stages of this map. Download and comment. Criticism welcome. Description: Even though I used half of Avalanche to make this map, it still provides excellent fun and moments that will make you hold your breath. You start out where you spawn and wait for the 3 power-ups to spawn, then you go. There are 3 big jumps, a bank, and cliff hanger in the caverns. 2-16 players. Pictures: Start The Launch Rocky Terrain Cliff Hanger Slope Bank Peak Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Gracies Peak ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks and Enjoy.
lol like an hour why does it look bad? if so, interlocking doesn't always have to be used in every area.
I Was never a fan of racing maps until now.Almost every racing map doesn't include interlocking ,multiple obstacles,and jump,like yours. Looks like a load of fun and I can"t wait to see your next map =).
Another really good map although, like said before, interlocking doesn't need to be used, but when you did on your banked turn, it could be a little bit cleaner, other then that it seems really cool
this map looks nice but in your pic it show the finish is floating. is it really floating? well, good job!
thanks bnasty.. you're always so kind and helpful.. anyways. What do you guys think needs to be changed?