Gametypes: Mainly MLG Gametypes, FFA, TS, CTF, and Oddball. Players: 4 Recommended weapon start: Battle Rifle. Here are the gametypes if you don't have them: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share <<Weapons>> 6x Frag Grenades 4x Plasma Grenades 6x Battle Rifles 2x Covenant Carbine 1x Mauler <<DESCRIPTION>> This map is mainly a Free-for-all map, Capture the flag, Team Slayer, and Oddball. Its a 4Vs4. It's mostly the whole map, except there's a blocking so you cant go inside the hallways inside the normal map. <<Pictures>> One of the sides next to the Plasma Grenades. The other side next to the Plasma Grenades. The middle of the map with 2 Frag Grenades, and 1 Mauler. The Blue Base The Red Base <<I've made some changes, you could get out of the map, but then I fixed it.<<Don't try >> V3 is the fixed version, and V2 was the version you could get out of>> Download link: HERE>> : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
This map looks very neat, far better than I could do. Yet... something bothers me about it. There doesn't seem to be something that makes it standout among others
looks fun to play, my only problem is that for some reason some things looked crooked, idk if it is or maybe it's just the angle of the camera, but other then that it looks good
looks alright, but is that all thats in the map cause it looks kind of bland. Nice intelocking though.
This is really cool looking, and looks like a nice MLG map. One thing really bothers me tho, the merged walls in the first and second pictures are uneven.
Its a good map there just isnt anything unique about it sorry try making somthing that stands out you have the talent for it just put the time into getting an idea.
looks a;right with good interlocking and layout. the geomerging on pictures 1 and 2 are slanted but this probably doesn't affect gameplay
some cool features and looks quite good, the only thing i would say is by the plasmore grenades its a bit wonky and some places look abit open but in all a good idea and looks very fun good job