its about timing and forcing youre opponent to do what you want ie giving them the shot blocking it and striking while they reload the great thing about bubbles is as you can see they block as soon as they are dropped i like your lake map and the fng is great
pretty cool, ur very skillfull, and lucky the first 1 is good it looks as if the lazer stops in mid air, very nice well done
thanks captions always welcome oh and if they were lucky i probably wouldnt have more than 1 or 2 would i
ezekiel, were you the one neg repping me and saying i lied in this thread? If it wasn't you then who was it and how the heck did i lie in any way? Idiots.
it blocked the other laser as well but i went with the first to show that bubbles block as soon as they drop
My favourite is the first one .. It looks like the laser just stopped but i can see you used a bubble.. Good job
i wasnt trying to hide the fact i used a bubble but that would look good i might make my first attempt at a staged screenshot to get a similar effect there are more bubbleblocks and 1 shot 2 kills that i have done on this forum if you like these search for them
This one time I went to stick my friend and he laid a bubble sheild.. I died. We looked in theater it looks like I smashed the sticky into my face.
i have done a similar thing but i lost the video if someone is close to you and throws a sticky if you time it right you can get it to stick to the shield pushing it back at them also works with a laser