I know my next map is going to be amazing. But that's because I've been listening to 3OH!3's new album, Want, which is shipping July 11th. They put all of its songs on their MYSPACE, and they kick ass! 3OH!3 is an electronic/rap band from the Denver/Boulder area (the 303), and they've successfully combined two of the most different genres of music. I like to call it ElectroRap. xD The great thing about this new album is that it appeals to pretty much every music listener. Some of their stuff (most) is upbeat and loud, but a few tracks are slow, which is alright since it'll get them more fans. As for the songs I'd recommend to new listeners, here I go: If you like "traditional" rap: Punkbitch, Holler Til You Pass Out, Photofinnish, Chokechain, Richman, Tapp (I think it's only the first part of the song) If you like alternative/alt rock: Don't Trust Me, I Can't Do it Alone, Starstrukk If you like "softie" songs: Still Around, I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby But their absolute best song on the new album is definitely Colorado Sunrise. No matter who you are, you'll like it. Guaranteed. Again, here's their MYSPACE, the only place you can listen to the songs. Sorry.
The song that first comes on, Tapp, isn't any good...The second song on, Punkbitch the list isn't bad...The third on the list, Don't Trust Me, is okay...Their fourth song, Chokechain, is allright... I love techno/electronica...but I have a strong bias against rap =/
It's alright, but it sounds a little too... How do I put this... "Goofy and upbeat". Not exactly in my musical taste, but it's definitely not bad.
Your words cut to the bone. Which, considering that I'm a fairly thin kid, isn't very far. Yeah it's pretty lighthearted. It'd be cool if they did do a few darker songs though, they could probably pull it off. Then stop listening to 106.7 exclusively and listen to 93.3 sometimes! xD
I used to every morning when I woke up until my radio clock stopped getting decent reception on 93.3.
I checked out a few of the songs, im definitely not digging it. They sound like a light-hearted emo version of Mindless Self Indulgence.
Weird. They're actually wannabe gangsters from Boulder, fyi. Light-hearted emo wannabe gangsters? What the hell kind of society is this?!?!