"Got Guns?" is a map where each team starts of in their little base. Each team gets ten seconds to pick their weapons. In ten seconds, two gravlifts in each base spawn and the war begins! Also, a turret on top of each base spawns. If you like to take your time to pick your weapons, don't worry! Nothing forces you out of your base. But, in another ten seconds, (twenty seconds from the start), stairs spawn that anyone can clime up to take out the other team's base. In thirty seconds a chopper spawns. And in forty-five seconds two gauess warthogs spawn. And that is basically it! Cheack out pictures 1 thorugh 6 to see the map! This map is best for Team Slayer. To download, click here! Please reply and tell me how you like my map and what you would change! Thanks!
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 bungie.net profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator
i checked it out. its like... two squares, and two armories. i dont think this should really qualify as a whole map man, sorry.
!!!! oh no!!!! put pictures before you get in trouble! i just looked at it and.... it not all that great sorry put more stuff in it like bigger bases and vehicles like warthogs.
ill give it a 2/10. choosing your weapons isn't original and the way you did it could be done much better. also the map looks pretty plane. little replay value
I know this isn't a good map i was trying to see the way to do these things. Next time i make a map i'll now know what everyone is looking for. Sorry for the inconvenience.
First you didn't post right, secondly, I checked out the pics and it is a very bare, lazy, unoriginal map. Sorry if that was harsh but...life is harsh.
Hi, Welcome to Forge Hub! Your post does not seem to be up to standards. You will need to embed your pictures of the map on your post by uploading them from Photobuket, Imageshack, etc. In order to correctly set up your thread you need to read this post. Happy forging and good luck with fixing your thread. EDIT: I did look at your map and it is very sloppy and doesnt even look fun at all. Next time I hope you will put more time and thought into your map before posting it here on FH.
Ok guys if you read the posts above i am sure one that he has heard it enough and two he already said that he wanted to see how this worked so get of his back okay ]
Get lost you weird sad person do any one ever read the post before cause if you did you would of know he is just learning how to post so GET LOST you NOOB
Sorry, but this map is completely bare and plain. There are a bunch of weapons piled up, two squares made out of double boxes, and a big empty space. Cmon. try putting a little more effort into your maps before posting them. CHeck out the Forging 101 section to learn some tips about Interlocking and merging, two things that will really help you make better and better maps. -MattDGiant
Bad Map , lack of origininality , gameplay and most likely aesthetics ,Think again before you post your maps even if they may be "Ub3R Fun n Sup3r 4w3s0m3" to play.