downland now and get free plasmids! p.s. sry bout the tiny pix cldnt find out how to make the bigger sry bout all the **** but my computer is acting like a dipshit so watever i madea new one any way
First go to Bungie and download the large pictures. Then go to an image-hosting website like photobucket and upload your pics to there. then click the bar that says: http://photo... etc. and paste in your thread. There you go. Embedded pics.
wait wasnt this map already posted before?...although i cant see the pics of this map..i remember seeing another map posted as "welcome to rapture"
FTW, no pics, no discription, (no interlocking, lol), no whatever, no downloads, no awesomeness = ultimate gayness. Fix your post!!
from what little i know about the map (bioshock thats it) it sounds like a good idea i want to see how you made this map but please please uplode your pictures the link in my signature has a step by step guide of how to do it (with pictures) no get on it as the mods lock maps that are not changed within 24 hours of first posting good luck OnlyMaximumv PS if you need help send me or a mod a PM