I was wondering what people like in infection games because Im making another map on Foundry purely for Infection and im justing wondering what people would like to see in a Infection map. So anything would be useful
In zombies games I personally like little forts for the humans to hide in. Every time I make a zombie map, I always try to incorporate some kind of cool little feature. I think the biggest factor that decides whether a zombies map is good or not is the balance. You want it to be a challenge for the zombies, but not impossible.
And a good and original map design that looks good. Also original infection minigames are always cool.
well i have to warn you about small hallways and such. small hallways are bad if there is only one way to get to them.
Ok, ready for a wall of text?! well, firstly, a zombie map needs to be balanced. there cant be an open area with a few walls whee the zombies just rush up and instantly own the humans. And it cant be that there is a hallway, all the humans have Brs with infinite ammo on one end, zombies on the other, because thats a slaughter and the zombies have no chance. there needs to be a balance, so the zombies have a chance, but only if they are smart. back or side entrances or secret tunnels are usually good ideas. Keep it to probably like 4 or so entrances, so the humans have plenty to guard, but not too many where they are stretched too thin and it becomes impossible. Also, there needs to be alot of cover. If its an open arena with a building with 3 doors, thats boring. The map gets old and the zombies will get owned before they can get to the humans. There needs to be some cover for the zombies. In an infection game, making the zombies too strong or giving them grav hammers is a mistake with a capitol M. Generally i like to do oneshot BR/pistol and make them 200 speed 50 gravity (300 speed on sandtrap/valahalla). Giving the zombies ANYTHING but swords makes it kinda stupid unless the map is specifically designed otherwise, but thats tricky to do (ive tried, believe me). yea, so, balance between defenders and attackers, a map with alot of cover but a fair environment, and fast low-grav zombies with swords.
On the topic of balance, I have a few suggestions. I was going to save these ideas for my own map but I don't like Infection, so I won't make a map for it. Anyway, the balance of Infection is all out of whack. First, the humans are more powerful. Then as the game progresses, the human team gets weaker and the zombie team gets stronger. I'd like to see a map that changes over time to help keep the balance even throughout the game. To do this, new areas would have to open up as the game progresses. Early on, there are a lot of hallways and corners for the zombie to pop out from behind, and no places where a human can "put his back to the wall." After a minute or two, another area opens up, and the humans can fall back. The new area should have fresh, more powerful weapons. Still, there should be no spot that is better than all the rest. Finally, after another minute or so, a third area opens up that will be the "last stand." By now there should be several zombies and the human numbers will be swindling. To make new areas open up after time, you can make barriers out of crates, and then have floating fusion coils spawn at a certain time after the start of the map. The fusion coils will knock the crates away permitting access to the humans. Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about lately. I still might make it if I don't see anything similar from the community.
wow i cant read all that text. my eyes hurt. i reccomend you just make a map with multiple levels with multiple ways to get to each level. dont make each level a maze.
Is this community anti-infection or something? anyways, for a zombie map, i would like there to be no camp spots. make sure that the humans are constantly moving. I'm currently working on some infection maps. feel free to contact me to play or help, or anything
I don't hate infection, but there's just not any good infection maps. Here's a what-not-to-do list: No mazes! They irritate the hells out of me. They're all old, and none of them are actually good mazes! Don't make it a thing where humans are in this bunker, and there's only one-four entrance to it. It's lame, and dumb. Sure, it's tactical in real life, but in Halo it's dumb. All the humans are going to do is camp around the entrance. Don't make it so Humans have rocket launchers or whatevers. Assault rifles and Magnums are fine. Don't make the zombies super-powered!!! Especially like shark. The only reason I play that is because it's sort of balanced (zombies can't jump). If you watched I Am Legend starring Will Smith, don't use his house's defenses as inspiration. Now here's a what-to-do list: Make an environment where the humans are constantly on the run, but not hopelessly so. In example, a city-like map with buildings having an entrance, and an exit that's not accessible from the outside, like a window or two or more. As long as the zombies aren't super-speed, swords, shotguns, hammers, and other close range weapons are fine. Humans should have non-headshot weapons (or at least hard to head shot weapons), like SMGs, Magnums, ARs...
long post alert I don't like Infection on huge maps, nor infection games with Zombies that move more slowly than is sane. I mean, playing Zombies with 100% speed even on a map like High Grounds [which is decently big] is just boring. Also, there needs to be balance between the Humans/Zombies. The zombies immediately have an upperhand, as when they kill humans they join the zombies, but not vice versa. This is slightly countered by the fact that Zombies only have close-range weapons while Humans have access to all. However, this is still unbalanced. Common ways to balance it involve zombies with faster moving speeds, but not necessarily 300/50. A good combo I've seen is 150/75, as the zombies move fast enough to keep it interesting, but they won't overwhelm the humans. Along with faster moving speeds, zombies often have extremely low shields. This makes a zerg-rush type zombie, which works decently well, as one careless mistake by a human or a clever stunt by a zombie can virtually wipe out all the humans at once. Something else I see a whole lot are extraordinarily fortified bases for the humans, where they have easy access to all of the map's weapons, and usually turrets as well while Zombies are limited to usually one entrance. This totally tips the game into the human's favor, which causes zombies to get bored and restless. The "perfect" zombie game would be one where zombies don't die -extremely- easily, meaning the powerful human weapons should be limited or hard to reach, while downgrading the humans' starting weapons. Also, zombies should not die extremely often, meaning being spawn camped is an extreme no-no, and one-entrance bases is also an extreme no-no. Maps should have places that can be held by the humans, but that aren't invincible. Also, every human-zombie encounter should not last very long, meaning humans should still be able to slaughter zombies fairly easily, but requiring the usage of skill. And the humans should get a fair chance everytime they meet a zombie, meaning I do not suggest that every zombie have camo. However, if the alpha zombie/zombies do/does, it depends on the map and game.
This community is not against any particular type of map. The reason Yavimayan says that, is because EVERYONE, literally EVERYONE makes infection maps. Like there are millions of them, and hardly any of them are any good at all. A person can get really sick of Infection. Basically, it is "run to the giant fort and kill zombies for as long as u can" over and over again. ^This can be really fun if it is balanced (it rarely is) but even when it is balanced it still gets old pretty fast.