Does mainstream Rap contribute to delinquents, violence, demeaning of women? Examples: 50 Cent, Eminem, G-Unit Debate.
I don't believe so. I think that a lot of kids emulate rappers, and try to do things described in their songs, but realize that rape, killing, drugs, etc. are too extreme and settle for a sideways hat over a bandana, and saying things like "dawg" all the time. This is usually the case in younger listeners, but by 16 or so, people realize it's just music, and are mature enough not to pull stunts just to be like a rapper. However, I would really appreciate it if the jackasses at my school would play some metal songs, they stereotype metal to be evil and about killing, when there are some decent lyrics in 90% of the metal songs I've heard. However at our school dances we still have rap songs played full blast as people do a sing-along to lyrics of rape and drugs.
Just another excuse parents and other adults use to try and stop newer music. If it's not oldies, they want it gone
I prefer rap myself so I am probably just "metal stupid" in saying this but can you dance to metal besides just making your self look like a human bobble head? Again I probably just don't know enough about the music so please educate me.
I don't dislike people who like rap / metal or any style of music but its true I don't think you can dance to metal - And I've been in a metal room at a club before it was... Different. But I think the only people who are influenced by rap to become a deliquent, or violent are weak minded people who have no direction in life who are trying to find something to make there life worthy. "Being a rapper" seems to be the cool thing - when I was younger I used to enjoy tupac music. I grew out of that when I was 12 when I found decent music with people who play instruments and good vocals. However I still think tupac is good but I certainly won't be going around "Slapping them hoes" (I think thats how rappers talk nowadays lol)
You guys are ****ing ridiculous. You sit there in one topic talking about how stupid it is for that one douchebag guy to say that videogames cause violence, but then you come in here and you talk about that it is probably caused by 'gangster rap' ??? You've got to be ****ing kidding me. Get a clue. Nothing causes violence besides the person doing the violence. Its their own choice, its not rap music's fault, its not heavy metal's fault, it's not anyone's fault but their own for being in whatever situation they are in that has made it necessary for them to be like that. And no, you don't dance to Metal... they mosh.... basically just push each other and get all rowdy. Why would you want to dance to metal anyway, it doesnt make sense, plus it's too fast for anyone to dance to anyways. And i really dont see what that has to do with it either.
These violence threads need to stop. Of course it's human nature to ask 'Who's to blame?' Why does it matter? I would think many things contribute to violent behavior, and yeah, maybe some of these violent people listen to rap. I would say that most do not though, or were violent before they started listening to it. Like Titmar said, you guys need to get a clue on this. Thanks ~Randle $candal
Sean Kingston ruined last year's homecoming. Bastard. Actually, I went to a dance at a state theater convention or some **** last year, and it was awesome because they played techno the entire time. Babymakin' music right there. The thing that sucks is that all of the "wimp" rap is what's popular now, not the good ol' Eazy-E stuff like what was going down in the 90's. I think that if you're going to sing about something hardcore like gang violence, you have to have been a serious gangster. Just my opinion. Tit, you absolutely speak the truth. This thread is hereby concluded. Rep for you. [/thread]
While I believe that Titmar is correct in what he is saying, and is convincing doesn't mean you get to close the debate. Carry on.
not all music was made to Dance to... thats not the overall theme of music. if you cant dance to it, you probably arent supposed to. he played here a year ago. he lipsynched 3 songs and walked off stage without saying anything. $30 tickets. i didnt go, cause i think he's lame, but id be pissed.
Off Topic - My comment about not being able to dance to metal was in response to Darks comment about his school always playing rap at his dances. Just wanted to clarify that. Back on topic - There is in no way that rap contributes to violence. Just imagine that case in court well you see I listened to this song last night by Wayne and it just made me want to kill some hookers. Please they are just trying to take the blame off themselves, or the terrible parents are trying to take the blame of them.
while i believe SOME rappers promote the violence, or SOME make it seem like a badge if youve been shot in some petty bullshit, i DONT believe it actually makes anyone who listens to it do the things they do. Those people control their own actions and listening to some rapper say they did something shitty doesnt mean they have to as well. Same thing with Marilyn Manson. i know damn well that man is hated by alot of people, but he didnt make kids go shoot up their school. his persona is nothing more than a stage show, and hes actually very intelligent. The people who can't see where the man ends and the stage show begins are the ones who cause the problems.
sean kingston is a fat bastard who sucks as much as dj khaled, his album should be called I TEH ARAB WHO CANT RAP. He ruins every song by randomly self promoting his gay ass "Hit Record's'" we the best. Papoose, Eminem, Lupe Fiasco, Nas, Ect are real rappers. Back on topic, i woulden't say rap does as much because most rap songs are, suprise, made by people who are poor (if good enough, will become rich) and people who need to murder and steal can relate to their songs. Metal gets people all ramped up so if some psychopath listens to it he probably would want to get back at everyone who pissed him off
ive been trampled on a million times, and i listen to metal allllll the time, and never once have i wanted to "get back at" everyone who pissed me off. I find that sort of offensive. The moral of this thread is that no genre of music can make someone do something. Only the individuals that make the choices are to blame.
well then someone with those kind of mental issues could go off the deep end no matter what style the music then, eh? it has nothing to do with metal. metal gets people rowdy rap talks about not ****in with you or you'll cap them country is usually either depressing or dont **** with me etc. dont label a genre of music as more likely to lead psychotics to violence.
Shortly no. Extended: As I've read someone mention in this thread that youngers listeners don't take it to the extreme and older listeners are wise enough to realise it's just music. They are totally correct. However, with everything else there is always a few people that will be persuaded by 'music' and do violent things. On the other hand, saying that, if it wasn't rap influencing them, something else would. Therefore, rap isn't a contributed to violence. It relies on the person completely.